First Morning.... Not Surfing

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Lance had just finished unpacking his two bags, that had actually taken a long time, and he decideded to finally go to bed. But before quietly sneaking down the stairs, to grab a small handful of dry cereal and then heading back upstairs to finish eating them, and finally going to sleep.

In the morning he went downstairs, and he saw that his family had also just started to have breakfast as well, with his mother starting to hand out pancakes. His mother spots Lance come down and incites him to sit down, which he accepts.

As he sits down Lance is handed his plate of pancakes and syrup, as always has loads of it on the pancakes. He grabs his fork and digs right into his breakfast, as he was eating his pancakes he started to listen in on his two sisters conversation.
"Do you think there will be anymore sightings?!" His sister says with starry eyes, gleaming with excitement.
"I don't know, do think they are even real?" His other says, whispering the last part.

As Lance heard this conversation he decided to jump in, "What sightings?" Lance slides into the conversation, looking over to the two girls. They heard Lance immediately but before they could explain, Mama McLain had jumped in.
"There have been sightings of a mysterious creature, supposedly a mermaid. But I think we all know that it's just a new fish that they haven't discovered." Lance's mother rolled her eyes, and then Lance's little sister then grabbed his arm with stars in her eyes.
"Lance, what if it is a mermaid! What if we brought her home!" His sister screamed excitedly, and Lance decided to play along.

"Well if I do find her, I ask her to come here to visit you, and you can braid each other's hair!" Lance beamed at his sister, lifting her up in the air— making her giggle. As he finished up his breakfast, and went to go get changed into his swimsuit he had heard his younger siblings still talking. He had told them he'll try to spot the supposed 'mermaid', and they all seemed happy that he was also on the look out. His younger siblings were ecstatic that there might be a mermaid on their beach, everyone older than Lance, including himself, didn't believe that there was a mermaid but were all playing along for the kids.

As Lance is about to leave, but before he gives his Mama and Papa a kiss on the cheek and some on the forehead for his little brothers and sisters. He promised that he would be home before sunset and waved goodbye before closing the door and started on his journey to the beach.

As Lance walked further down to the area that he normally goes to, he starts to see more and more people crowded on the beach. Some had fancy tech whilst others just seemed to be in their swimwear looking out into the ocean. As he got to his usual spot he saw that many professional theorists and just plain tourists had claimed that part of the beach.

Lance huffed annoyingly, he scanned over the beach, there was nowhere in sight for a free space. Lance quietly groaned but was cut off when he saw a dark shadow in the water near him. The figure seemed to be facing Lance, but when Lance had seemingly made eye contact it started to swim off. Lance then instinctively followed, making sure nobody had seen the figure either.

Once the figure had sped up, and Lance was out of sight of others, he started to jog after the figure. It had a long body with a thick tail that seemed very powerful, on the figure's back and sides of the tail it had translucent fins, with sharp needle like spikes holding them all together. It had a faint colour of red on the tail but became lighter up the body, almost a pale peachy colour.

As the dark shadow ducked under a fallen tree, Lance had realised that he had been brought to a secluded area surrounded by small trees— even though he was very close to the waves. He looked over to where the shadow had ducked under and saw that it lead to a medium sized pool like water. The shadow drifted into the rocks near the bottom.

As Lance dug his surfboard into the damp sand, he looked over to where the shadow had disappeared to. He took off his jacket and shorts, being careful of his phone in his jacket .Once he rested the board against a small palm tree, he slowly submerged himself in the water— swimming down to the rocks. He looked under, around and over the rocks but saw nothing and he realised he needed to breath again. So he pushed himself upwards and took a breath, he decided to drag himself out the water and he gets out a small towel and drys himself off and grabs his phone.

He sits down on his towel and starts to lowly play a playlist he had made last summer, after a while of listening he decided he needed to change up his playlist. As he was adding a new Billie Eilish song, he felt a massive splash of water all over him. He immediately looked up to find no one, except a blood red tail about to submerge. As instinct, and logical left behide, he grabbed the tail and was immediately pulled under by the strength of the tail.

As he opened his eyes in the water he saw a quick sight of a young male face staring right back at him, next thing Lance knew he had been hit by the same tail and the face, and tail, were nowhere to be seen. Lance once again brought himself to the surface, gasping for as it had been previously been hit out of him.

And once again, weakly climbing onto land— huffing and puffing. What just happened!?

Keith was sure he seen, the rule he promised himself not to brake— was broken. Oh god, but he couldn't help himself, that human felt different. But why? Keith had no clue, he would call Shiro secretly tonight. Keith had been an out cast all his life, being kicked out of every pod he joined. So he decided, two years ago, to live on his own— whilst secretly calling Shiro and Pidge to catch up.

He had messed up badly, but why was he feeling bad for the human? Why did he want the human to return to this pool of water? Why did he want to see the human again?

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