Ukraine + Reader

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At the outcry from the kitchen, you sighed and put the movie you were watching on pause.

"Ukraine?" you called. "Are you okay?"

Your friend and crush appeared in the doorway, cradling one of her hands in the other.

"I'm b-bleeding!" she whimpered, tears swimming in her eyes. "I was ch-chopping vegetables for the casserole, and I missed w-with the knife!"

"Oh, Ukraine . . ." You stood up and gently guided her to the bathroom, where you rinsed off the injured finger and stuck a band-aid over it.

"It wasn't a bad cut," you assured her. "Is that better?"

"Y-yes . . ."

She was still sniffling, so you wrapped your arms around her, doing your best to give her a comforting hug.

"Hush, now," you murmured. "You're alright."

She unexpectedly hugged you tightly, and you blinked at her in surprise and mild puzzlement.

"Ukraine, what-"

"I love you," she whispered. "I love you so much."

"You - huh?"

"I just wanted to make a nice dinner for you so I could tell you how I feel, but I-" she burst out crying again "I messed it up!"

Slowly, you reached back out and took her in your arms again.

"Come on, Ukraine, stop crying. You didn't mess anything up. You can still finish the dinner. And guess what?"

She turned her face towards you, trying to wipe her eyes on her sleeve. "W-what?"

"I love you too."

She beamed at you through her tears, and on a sudden impulse, you pressed your lips to hers.

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