14-the suitcase

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The next couple hours passed by Mike in a blurry haze. The ride to the nearest airport in the van had grown uncomfortably silent after Christopher's sympathy outlast, Mike's like sobs being the only sound for about twenty minutes.

The van suddenly screeched to a halt in the parking lot of the airport. Kali craned backwards to face everyone, fear clearly present in her face even though she was trying to put on a facade of confidence.

"So, we don't have enough money to get all of us tickets," Kali began, her voice wavering when she noticed that everyone was counting on her to get them to Washington. Bee, now awake, was sitting next to Mike. Kali looked at the girl who was staring intently back at Kali, her lips curled up a little at the ends.

"Instead of all of us riding up above, only a few of us will be getting tickets." She continued, mumblin out the last part. Maria's eyebrows stitched together and Funshine and Dottie frowned in confusion, anticipating the rest of the plan.

"Since Hadlee can shapeshift, she's gonna turn into a pencil and i'm gonna keep her in my pocket," Kali explained, nodding towards Hadlee and patting her jacket pocket.

"The younger one's don't actually need seats. They can sit on laps. So Auggie, Bee, and Holly are gonna sit with Chris, Maria, and Mike in the cabin." Kali said, Chris and Maria nodding and Mike smiling down at Bee and Holly.

"W-what about me?" said a small voice. Everyone turned to see Posie, who was shyly raising her hand in the back next to Mick.

Kali swallowed the lump in her throat and turned to Axel, who was looking back at her with a bit of anger in his eyes.

Kali knew he wasn't totally pissed at her. But she knew how protective Axel was of Posie, and how putting someone who was like his little sister in danger was not a way to get on his good side.

"The plan was that you were going to come with Axel, Funshine, Mick, Dottie, and I to the cargo section of the plane..." Kali said, her voice beginning to waver again as her voice trailed off. The van was silent, everybody looking at Kali, waiting for her to say something reassuring.

"And what's the plan now?" Posie questioned, her eyes growing wide and her mouth falling open a bit.

"For you to come with us, I would have to be able to turn you invisible. I was going to make all of us unseen so that we could sneak into the cargo pit while it's open." Kali said, her eyes not meeting Posie's but meeting Axel's instead, a thick river of guilt in her voice.

"And, you can turn me invisible, right?" Posie said, her voice squeaking in her nervousness. Kali gulped, glancing once more at Axel before finally making eye contact with Posie, already regretting the plan she had crafted.

"Well u-uhm, I actually can't." Kali confessed, the statement coming out in a jumble. Posie whimpered, covering her mouth in shock.

Anyone who knew Posie knew she was a tough cookie, a tomboy. She wasn't one to show her emotions, Posie liked hiding them instead of letting them out, she thought that it made her stronger.

Which is why it was a surprise to everyone in the van when a tear trickled down her cheek, a sob escaping her lips.

"W-what's gonna hap-p-pen to me?" She cried, her hand not leaving her mouth which made the words come out much quieter than she had spoken them.

"We have to put you in a suitcase." Kali finished, her head falling with her eyes which were now glued to the floor of the beat up van.

Kali, she could die!" Maria yelled over Posie's loud sobs. Kali winced at the statement, her head not lifting, instead remaining in it's frozen pose towards the ground.

"I could die?!" Posie screeched, her fists moving to the sides of her head. She began pulling at her hair, whimpering and crying while she kept her eyes shut.

"Why can you make me invisible?" Posie cried. Kali felt tears growing in her eyes and quickly wiped them away before lifting her head back up to be met with Posie's distraught glare.

"Our powers. They contradict eachother, kinda like trying to push two sides of a magnet together that are the same. One of us could get terribly hurt if I tried a stunt like that." Kali explained, her voice slowing as shr tried to keep Posie calm.

Meanwhile, everyone else in the van was trying to keep up with the current situation, their heads swinging from Kali to Posie, like they were watching a tennis match.

Bee could feel her hands shaking, her heart aching for Posie. She was just a kid, she shouldn't have to be the one in the suitcase. And yes, Beatrice knew she was much younger than Posie, but her brain was much more developed. And if anyone was going in that suitcase, it was going to be her.

"I'll go in the suitcase!" Bee said, cutting off the conversation as she stood on her feet, her hands clenched tightly in fists. Her dutch braids were fraying, some of the pieces falling in front of her face, shaking along with the rest of her tiny body.

"No, Bee-"

"No, Kali! If anybody can handle going in that suitcase, it's me!" Bee screamed, cutting through all noise in that moment. Kali just stared at the small girl, mouth hanging open and eyes wide, not quite comprehending that those words were in fact coming from a 4 year old girl.

"I'm smaller, i'll fit easier. It only makes sense. Just please, don't put Posie in the suitcase." Beatrice pleaded, her cheeks turning a bright red as tears began to form little streams on her face, splashing down onto her yellow t-shirt.

There was a long pause from everyone in the van, Kali's mouth still hanging open and Bee's eyes burning through Kali's skull. She finally sighed, her mouth finally shutting as she mustered up a reply, simply nodding at Beatrice.

"Ok, Bee's going in the suitcase."


I really hope that this book isn't hard to follow. If it is please let me know!

Anyway, long chapter! and OMG IM UPDATING A LOT! I hope you guys are enjoying, I absolutely love writing this book, it's definitely different from any of my other works.

That being said, leave a vote and a comment! i love connecting with you guys, so feel free to pm me or dm me on instagram @avaodlum !

Love you all! See you in the next chapter!


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