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Pure darkness was all that she could see, the inside if the suitcase growing warmer with every minute. The muffled sounds of people talking and clomping down the hallway of the airport could be heard as she was suddenly hoisted up and dropped aggressively onto some sort of metal surface.

She winced as the slam rang through her head, trying her hardest to stay quiet. It took her a few moments to realize she was moving as something light scraped the suitcase and the darkness that surrounded her somehow became even darker.

She had been swallowed in a black hole of fear and pain, the suitcase suddenly taking a fall from wherever she was into a large pile of suitcases, others immediately falling on her.

She flinched with every drop of a suitcase, her lip quivering in fear as tears brewed at her lids. She wasn't an idiot. She knew that any moment now she could be completely submerged in a sea of bags and suitcases, causing her to suffocate.

Think, Beatrice. Just think.

tears were freely falling down her face as she sucked a large bubble of air in, letting it out of her nose at a slow pace, trying to ration her oxygen.

She tried to distract herself, thinking positively even though tears were still soaking the bottom of the suitcase as they fell freely.

Mike. The boy who had been like a brother to her, a mentor. She hoped he was ok, and that Holly was too. She prayed that he wasn't thinking about El, instead thinking about Holly, or something happy.

She loved Mike, a lot. And she hated seeing him upset, especially when it was about El. Because obviously, Bee knew that she probably wasn't coming to him, if so not for a long time.

She also knew that Mike planned on staying with the group, he had done it for Holly, after all. He needed to keep him and her safe. He knew that going back to Hawkins was the worse thing he could do.

Bee smiled at the thought of the dark haired boy, and his dorky polo shirts. The way his freckles were splashed softly against his ghostly pale skin. The way he always offered her a hand to hold, the way he cared for her and gave her hugs when she was sad. She missed the feeling of her small hand in his much larger one.

She squeezed her fists together at the thought of him, knowing that there's a chance she may not ever see him again. She also thought of the others, but specifically, Hadlee. Her Mom.

She swiped a tear off her cheek when she saw her mother approaching her, her golden hair shining brightly against the warm sun. Her blue sun dress trailed behind her in a wave of silk, the wind suddenly scooping her up as she disinterested into the sudden darkness that had engulfed the light she carried.

She was shook out of her hazy trance when she felt the suitcase being lifted and thrown carelessly onto some sort of ramp, where she dropped aggressively into the underbelly of the plane.

She held her breath, anticipating the sweet sound of Kali's voice and the suitcase unzipping to let the light in. However, all she heard was the deafening silence of the cargo pit as more and more bags dropped in around her. She squeezed her eyes shut tight, boiling hot tears dripping down her face and burning into her pale skin. She didn't dare utter a word, knowing that if she were to speak someone might hear her.

Her chest felt tight thinking of her mother and the others, if they were safe. Her cheeks turned redder than usual as more hot tears fell in a river off of her cheeks, her tight chest falling forwards as she let out a choked back sob.

"Mommy?" She whispered to herself, wanting more than anything for someone to pull her up from the mountain of different peoples baggage. And, as she thought, the sound of quiet whispers filled her ears.

She let her sobs fall from her tongue, the pain flooding out of her body as a wave of relief pushed it all out. The suitcase jerked upwards and gently tapped the floor, the zipper screeching open as light beamed into her eyes.

She met eyes with Kali, who pulled her into a tight hug, lifting her out of the suitcase as she continued to sob loudly. She wrapped herself around Kali's torso, clinging to her as though she might dissapear
if she were to let go.

"Shhhh it's ok. Your mom will be here soon." Kali whispered, rocking the small girl lightly as her sobs quieted at a gradual pace.

"I-I thought i was-ssn't gonna see you again." she choked, her tears spilling onto Kali's shoulder. Kali only shushed her in reply, continuing to rock Beatrice. Kali's heart panged at the sounds of her echoing cries, feeling her own eyes well with tears before she quickly blinked them away.

"I wouldn't let anything ever happen to you, Bee." Kali stated confidently, feeling Bee's head nod next to her own, a sniffle coming from Bee.

"I promise, Bee. Nothing will ever happen to you."

"You promise?"


sorry for this taking so long. I've been on vacation and this took a lot of effort to write bc it made me really sad. I'll be starting school soon but i'll work on more constant updates. Sorry for the rocky schedule!



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