16-team two

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The group approached the door of the airport, pushing through them with ease and confidence. Kali was making sure to be careful of where she rolled the suitcase, aware that there was a child currently balled up inside.

She slowly stopped and turned to her group, all of them huddling around, ready to hear her directions. She took a slow, steady breath inward, her eyes scanning over each of them carefully before she opened her mouth to speak.

"Ok, so we have 2 teams. Team 1 is Mike, Maria, Christopher and the kids." Kali started before she begun to pull a large stack of cash from the pocket of her black flannel. She handed the cash to Maria, who took the money with her right hand, since she had her left arm holding Auggie.

"You three take the kids and go buy your tickets. Also..." Kali reached behind her and slowly pulled the suitcase containing Beatrice towards them.

"Take this to the baggage area. And make sure they are careful." Kali said through clenched teeth, setting the bag carefully with Mike. He nodded and grabbed the handle, looking to the other two before they were off to purchase their tickets, cash and suitcase with them.

Kali turned to the other 5, Team 2. She observed her group. Dottie, Axel, Mick, Funshine, and Hadlee. Wait a second.

The mutation.

"Shit shit shit..." Kali grumbled, grabbing at her hair in frustration. The five of them observed her in confusion. Everything had gone smoothly so far, hadn't it?

"What's wrong?" Mick asked, crossing her arms in front of her with concern. Kali dropped her hands angrily, her fists clenching as her temper rose quickly. Her temper rose as fast as the line on a thermometer would if you stuck it in snow then immediately dropped it in hot chocolate.

"The mutation!" Kali hissed, jabbing her pointer finger in the direction of Hadlee, whose face had completely drained of the light rose color she shared with her daughter.

"Why can't she just turn into like a... a bug or something?" Axel suggested, turning to Hadlee who was contemplating the situation currently. Hadlee looked to Kali, raising her eyebrows as if she were communicating to her without words.

"I-I guess that could work?" Hadlee said, fiddling with her hands as Kali sighed in relief, bringing a hand to her forehead. The group moved out, Hadlee parting with them and heading to the bathroom, where she had planned to turn into some sort of bug.

Kali and her gang was making their way to security, preparing to slowly become invisible one by one. Dottie smacked her gum loudly as they trotted down the large hall, the chomping sound echoing and bouncing off the walls.

"Are we sure about this, Kal?" Mick said under her breath as they passed a large group of people. Kali didn't reply, instead making them all dissolve into the musty atmosphere of the shitty airport.

They marched past security, making their way over to where all the suitcases were being loaded onto the plane, slipping in quickly and taking their places behind a large mountain of bags. The group sighed in unison, finally releasing the tension in their muscles after sneaking past every security precaution in the joint.

"What now?" Asked Dottie, pulling at her gum and twirling the slimy string around her finger. Kali cringed at the action but proceeded.

"We wait, for Bee and Hadlee."


this was a lame chapter, this part of the book is like the calm before the storm, so prepare for some piping hot tea ladies and gents.

sorry for the bad chap, i feel like my chapters are like loosing quality or something, im kinda in a weird mental state rn which is why its like this, but next chapter will be better! pinkie promise!

I love you all! thanks for reading!


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