19-mike and holly

141 9 27

For QuirkyWheeler , who literally started a petition for me to update this. (it's not my best, i'm sorry)

Kali swore she felt her heart suddenly continue to beat as the plane touched the ground, the long and terrifying journey had come to a close. They made it to Washington.

From then on, it was like a switch had been flipped, causing the group to suddenly pick up where they left off.

Kali's actions became cursory in that moment, setting Bee back in the old cramped suitcase and zipping it up after kissing her forehead gently, Hadlee morphing into a bumble bee and subtly making her way out of the cargo pit.

As for the others, they remained silent within the large empty space, preparing for the opportunity to sneak out the hatch and join the others within the large airport.

She looked to her comrads, a gentle smirk present on her lips as they all quickly exchanged excited glances, adrenaline already pulsing through the group. Kali nodded, closing her fist quickly. And with that swift movement all of them became invisible to any outsiders.

The group crept out from the hatch, avoiding any abrupt sounds they might make on accident if they weren't careful enough. But they all knew what they were doing, it's not like they were new to this life.

Within moments, they had made it into the airport, strangers surrounding them that weren't even aware of their presence. The group continued to peer around the airport trying to spot a familiar face, Mike, Hadlee, Maria, anybody.

While the invisible team searched the massive airport for their fellow runaways, Mike, Maria, Christopher, and the rest of the children all stood impatiently by the baggage claim, Mike continuously jerking his head towards the metal conveyor belt with every loud slam of a suitcase on it's hard cold surface.

He had been struggling, struggling to keep El from entering his mind, her face seeming almost tangible within that short moment. However, the familiar tick of his brain from earlier returned, making him grunt and snap his head towards Christopher who was eyeing him empathetically. Mike rolled his eyes, Holly and Posie shifting from foot to foot awkwardly at the sudden tension between the two boys, neither of them really understanding where it had come from.

Maria gasped as the old suitcase came into view, passing Auggie to Christopher and racing forward to retrieve it from the metal surface, giving Mike and Chris a thumbs up when she had it in her grasp. Holly and Posie grinned excitedly at the sight of it, knowing their friend was inside, she was safe.

Maria walked back over to the small group, setting the bag down gently and unzipping it a bit. She crouched down next to it, Posie and Holly standing eagerly on either side of Maria as the older woman brought her mouth up to the small space in between the zippers.

"Doing alright in there, bumble Bee?" Maria whispered, a smile dancing on her lips as she glanced around, checking to make sure nobody was watching her whisper into her suitcase. Christopher and the two younger girls watched on gleefully, Auggie looking around the large space and Mike's mind preoccupied with making sure Chris wasn't attempting to reach his memories again.

There was a silence in response, sending a pang to Maria's heart as she gulped, clearing her throat before speaking into the suitcase once again. She had to be ok, she couldn't be dead.

"Beatrice?" She whispered a bit louder, drawing Mike's attention as he observed with a furrowed brow. There was nothing but more silence, Maria feeling her heart accelerate as she reached to unzip the bag, praying that she wouldn't find Beatrice dead inside.

"I'm ok, Mari." said Beatrice, her voice small from inside the case, causing the group to sigh loudly in relief. Maria let out a breathy laugh, looking to Holly and Posie who stood next to her with a smile before slowly zipping the case back up.

"Stay safe, Bee." Maria said before completely closing it, standing back up and retrieving Auggie from Christopher.

She noticed Mike, his eyes low as he continued to look forlorn, Holly bouncing over to her little brother and tugging on his shirt, causing him to look at her.

"Mikey? Where is Kali?" Holly asked, Mike kneeling down to his little sisters level, grabbing ahold of one of her small hands.

"She'll be here soon, Holly. Are you ok?" He asked, Holly nodding in reply, her ponytail bouncing along with her head. He smiled at his sister, pulling her into his arms and sighing at the comforting feeling of her small arms clutching to him. It gave him a purpose, Holly needed her big brother.

Even though El still lingered in his mind, he knew that pushing all of his own feelings aside was important, especially for Holly.

He could feel Christopher's eyes on him, but he ignored it. He ignored everything around him, he just needed to help Holly to know that he was there for her. He was her big brother.

"I love you Holly." Mike whispered to her, pulling out of their hug and placing his hands on her shoulders. She smiled back at him, flashing a toothy grin with rosy cheeks and wide blue eyes.

"I love you too." She said, leaning in and giving her big brother a tiny kiss on the cheek before skipping back over to Posie. He was glad she had adapted to their change so easily, as he felt it was much harder for him than it was for her.

"We gotta go." Christopher suddenly said, pointing to where he saw Hadlee about ten feet away, signaling to them that it was time. The group collected themselves, grabbing the old suitcase and heading in the direction of Hadlee, Kali and the others suddenly reappearing as they walked for the exit.

They rushed towards a cap, Mike feeling Holly's small hand wrap around his thumb as they rushed forward, not wanting to miss a second that they could be rescuing the small innocent children within the lab.

They loaded into a cab, kids sitting on laps as they squished in, Kali taking the passenger seat, spinning around to make sure they had everyone, including the bag that contained Beatrice.

"Washington National Laboratory, please."


i know this sucks but idk i have like the biggest block for this chapter and the next and idk how else to write it im sorry.

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