Chapter 5: The Past!

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I stomp to my car and slam the door when I get in. My mind is still on my pathetic little roommate who won't even share her chocolate milk. I hate her. I hate her so much.

I rev my engine before backing out of the parking lot and heading a couple of blocks away. Plainly, some guy in my Psych class is throwing a party and it's going to be wild.

I drive to the party's destination and immediately head inside the apartment building it's being held in. I walk up to the third floor and knock on door 13B.

A male answers it and my ears are instantly insulted with obnoxious blaring music. I try not to wince as the guy ushers me in.

Almost everyone inside the party is drunk.

Some random girl runs to the bathroom as other girls start to cling onto whoever is closest to them. I roll my eyes and wander further into the crowd, hoping to find someone fun.

I keep wandering until I see her. Her back is turned towards me and her bright red hair faces me. My heart pounds against my chest. Is that...? No, it can't be! I moved! She-did she follow me? I can't have her see me. I have to go. I have to get out of here! I swiftly turn around and bump into someone.
"Watch it you-" I start before a wave of recognition hits me. "Denn? What the f-"
"Who are you running away from?" She interrupts.
"Nobody. I don't run from people. I pursue." I state. 

Denn laughs. "Oh really? Because it looks like that girl just scared you off."
I roll my eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you, you ignorant slug? I don't run. I don't get scared. And I really don't care. I just pursue people for their bodies."
Denn raises her eyebrows. "Actually, that's the first times you've ever told me that. Usually our conversations consist of you insulting me or telling me to leave. In fact-"

"I don't care." I interrupt. "Now, if you excuse me, I have to head back to the dorm." I try to walk past Denn but she blocks my path.
She points at the girl with red hair. The girl who still haunts me. "If you really 'don't get scared' then pursue her."
I laugh. "I don't want to have to force you to sleep in the bathroom again."
"How considerate," Denn says sarcastically. She smiles. "I guess you really are afraid. You know what that means? We have something in common."

I grit my teeth before shoving directly past Denn and toward the girl. I have nothing in common with little miss perfect, I think while approaching closer and closer to the girl and feeling heavier and heavier. Finally, I'm right behind her.

I stare at the back of her head for a second, allowing myself to reminisce in the beautiful memories I shared with my first and only love. I glance behind me while considering backing out. Denn stands there with a huge smirk on her face. I have to do it now. I have to prove to pathetic little Denn that I am nothing like her. I shiver before lifting my hand and tapping the girl in one swift motion.

When she turns around I am relieved to see a completely random stranger. My chest instantly lightens and I feel my usual confidence arise. 


Though I consider taking the red head home, I decide against it for my sanity's sake. If I woke up with her next to me, the past would haunt me even more than it already does. I shudder at the thought. I turn around and walk back towards Denn with a grin on my face. "How's that for scared?" I ask.
Denn shakes her head. "What happened to you?" She asks.
The question aggravates me. 'What happened' is none of her business. My life is not something she has the right to talk about. "What are you doing here, Denn?" I ask.
"You just changed the-"
"Answer the question!" I yell.
Denn sighs. "I wanted to apologize for yelling at you so I followed you here."
I get close to her face. "I don't need an apology." I retort before quickly turning around and walking away.

The New Chapter: Love WinsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon