Chapter Thirteen: You

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At three o'clock in the morning, the Hogwarts house-elves were awoken by a terrifying scream. They shared dorms of up to 10 house elves in rooms behind the kitchens.
Tinky, Kreacher and several other house-elves lived in their own rooms as they were either free or had their own master or mistress who had ordered them to work at Hogwarts temporarily.

Instantly, the 100+ elves had crowded in and around the small room, where it appeared Tinky was having a fit. "I am sorry... sorry..." she was whimpering as her arms and legs flailed. Just as an elf had disappeared to fetch Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey,  a new voice spoke out of Tinky. Her eyes, which before had been glassy began to fog and she froze, only her lips moving.

"The Dark Lord shall rise again. He shall rise when those that serve us become our equals. He shall come on the eve of the 31st of October to create despair and  restore himself to his rightful place. You have become unfaithful to your true master Tinky. Take warning. " Tinky's stiff posture collapsed and as she floated, she screamed.

McGonagall ran in and instantly paled with shock. Dumbledore had drawn out Harry's memory of Katie Bell's accident and she had watched, along with Madam Pomfrey and the staff at St.Mungo's. This, was, without a doubt, the same curse.

When all the murmuring house-elves had been ordered back to bed, Madam Pomfrey did not hesitate to pick up Tinky's limp body and floo to St.Mungo's.

But, this early morning suprise had not ended. Madam Pomfrey was out of the door when the figure cloaked in black swirled out of Tinky's open mouth. The door shut behind Professor McGonagall and locked.

"A pleasure, Professor." The figure drawled. "I must say I didn't expect you to become a professor-  thought more along the lines of Auror."

"Who are you?" McGonagall snapped icily.

The figure stood taller. "I will let you see for yourself. " His hand raised towards their head, before darting back and pulling out a wand, yelling "Stupefy!" McGonagall ducked and laughed.

"Petrificus totalus!"

"What do you want? BELLA!"
A house elf appeared at McGonagall's quest.

"Fetch Kingsley and the others." The elf disappeared.
The figure lowered his wand slightly. "Fetching reinforcements, Minerva?  How dishounourable. Yet you claim to be a Gryffindor." He taunted.

"Don't question my house. STUPEFY!" the figure slumped and Professor McGonagall turned towards the door. "BOMBARDA!" The door blew up with extra firce as another voice joined McGonagall's own.

"Good day,  Professor." Kingsley grinned. "Who's this?" He gestured towards the slumped figure.

McGonagall's mouth parted slightly but she shut it quickly when she realised that she didn't know the answer.

"I don't kn-"

"STUPEFY!" McGonagall's body fell limp as Kingsley lunged to catch her. "Petrificus Totalus!" Kingsley froze and landed ungracefully on McGonagall.

"Look here, Kingsley. I do not want to deal with you and your ministry friends,  so give me my house-elf back.  I lead all those Death Eater attacks and I can reassure you, there will be many more to come.  Now, if you'll excuse me,  I have some catching up with the love of my life to do." He levitated McGonagall's still body to where he stood and nodded in goodbye.

"Adios, Minister." And he grasped the headmistress' arm and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

When the spell finally released Kingsley, he did not hesitate to find Professor Flitwick,  who had been appointed Deputy Head after McGonagall got the promotion to headmistress.

Up in the broom cupboard,  Hermione was distinctly uncomfortable.  It appeared Draco had fallen into a habit of wrapping his arms around Hermione while he slept, and after spending one day with him that she remembered, Hermione wasn't ready to share a bed(yet).

Her fidgeting woke Draco. "I never thought the great Hermione Granger could fidget!" he teased. Hermione obviously could not recall being the know-it-all and generally she was too busy making notes to fidget. "Draco..."


"I want to get out of here. I want to do other things apart from sitting here in this room. I mean, the bookshelf isn't properly there! When will we be able to get out?"

Draco sighed. "I don't know." he admitted. "I don't know what enchantments they used on the door or anything. I only know we're thought to be destined to save the wizarding world by falling in love and getting married, that we're shut in a broom cupboard on the top floor of a crazily tall castle and that our friends have tried to get us out."

"Well, we're gonna have a fabulous wedding here." Hermione joked, looking around. "We'll have to kneel on our bed sheets. The guests will sit on our bed. The priest will stand on the desk chair and we won't have a traditional layout." 

Draco smiled cheesily and replied something even cheesier than a cheese feast pizza. "As long as you're the one I'm marrying, I don't care what the wedding looks like." Hermione froze but smiled weakly back. "Why don't we have a midnight-but-not-so-midnight-feast?"

Draco nodded and called for Tinky but was surprised when no elf appeared. "That's odd... I'll call for Mother's elf instead. Erolith!" 

"What is the time?" Hermione asked, still wary of the obedient creatures.

"5:15 AM, miss." Erolith squeaked.

"Erolith... please tell Mother that we are well but our house-elf has disappeared. Bring with back some er... " he paused.

"Tinned food with a tin opener." Hermione supplied, "And some cutlery."

"Right away, miss, master." and she disappeared with a pop.

Hermione leaned back into Draco."I do hope Tinky is alright." Hermione had grown fond of the elf and was concerned about her, "We should have asked after her."

Draco sighed. "She's in good hands. Now tell me about this tinned food."

Narcissa Malfoy was beyond shocked at her son's and his fianceé' s request for "tinned food and a tin opener."

She even went as far to floo to the Zabini's at 5:30 in the morning to ask Charlotte Zabini what it was. "Probably some muggle invention. After breakfast let's go to one of them muggle thingies- what are they called? Supermarkets. I heard a muggle complaining about how the prices are rising in all supermarkets. Something about Tessco and Asdar, as well as an "overpriced Wait Rows". There was another odd sounding one like Saints Bury's"

"I'm not sure, Lottie." Narcissa frowned.
"Oh come on Cissa. Your son and Hermione might starve if we don't give some of this tinned food to them. If something's happened to their elf then we must provide for them. We also should find the Grangers."

Narcissa was appalled. It was not the fact they were muggles, it was just that it was traditional for magical parents to be introduced to each other by their child, especially if it involved engagement.

Charlotte raised an eyebrow. "They are probably worried about their daughter, Cissa. The least we could do is update them, traditional or not. Besides, we don't need to mention their engagement or the prophecy. We'll just say they are on an exchange trip with a chosen partner from work and cannot write."

"Very well then." And so began their quest to find tinned food and a tin opener and the Grangers.

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