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After my unentertaining talk with Jack, I put my focus back on school work, occasionally coming up with random ideas on how we are going to get Angel and Dean together. Because, with Jack, nothing turns out how you want it. So I came up with a plan B, C, C2, D, D1, E and E1. Yeah, that just goes to show how much I trust this guy. Also shows how much of a bpring person I am when I'm alone.

Months ago, I made a quiz for myself, I did it whdn I was bored, and I basically created it so that every time I'm bored, I have something to entertain me. The only problem is, is the fact that I know all the answers. Mainly because most of them were surrounded around me. But also to do with tv shows, movies, books, music, celebrities and comics. All the things I like.

If anyone were to do it, they would only know maybe ten percent of the whole thing. I'm a hard person to figure out and get to know. Sometimes I wonder how I got here. There was a knock on the that jumped me put my thoughts. It was my mum, Danny never dared to come in my room. Which I was okay with, I've only known him all my life.

"Hey sweetie, how was school?" My mum ask with a sweet smile, but I could see she didn't have a good day at the office. Danny and I like to avoid her in the first five minutes she enters. Mainly so we don't get caught up in her frustration game.

"Okay, I have homework needed in a few days, Angel can't stop undressing Dean with her eyes, Dean can't stop drooling over Angel, and I am seriously considering changing my phone number." I explain quickly, my mum looks confused but tries not to show it. That was basically my life in twenty seconds.

"Why do you want to change your phone number?" She ask, my mum would never make a good therapist, maybe an anger managememt trainer though.

"Out of everything I just said, that's the think that sticked out?" I look at her with features that show my confusion. She raies an eye brow as if I never asked. "Nothing. I just thought of it as a great idea. Since I kind of have a stalker . . ." The last part I mumbled so she couldn't hear.

Jack seemed like a stalker, defiantly had the ability go pull it off. Maybe not the stealthiness or brains, but he had a reputation where he could murder someone and get away with it. Not to mention his mother is one of the best lloyers in California.

"Okay . . . by the way, we're going out tonight. So get into something nice but so you still have the ability to move quickly." Mum explains and then she is leaving. Sometimes I feel like my mum is socially awkward, but then I remember that she basically talks to everyone she sees for a living.

Even if they are strangers.


Later that night, I decided to change into jean shorts, a flowy cream jumper and knee high boots, which were surprisingly comfortable. Maybe the jumper was a bad idea because it is hot outside, but it's so comfortable, so I don't really care. On the way to - wherever we are going - I noticed symptoms of anxiety and stress coming from my mum.

Danny showed some nervousness by the way his hands were clutching on to steering wheel. I was confused to say the least, they have never acted like this before. Before though, Danny tried to keep any eye contact from me, so now I am the most confused person possobly ever.

My knee started to bounce because of the silence, all I heard was breathing, and for anyone that would be irretating. If not, then you are just weird. So here we are, in this five seater car, I'm staring outside, trying to block the silence. I hear my mum begin to hit her foot against the surface of the car. Danny breathing in and out. And all I've ever wanted right now was to get out of this car.

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