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It was soon lunch, and I deserved the chicken nuggets I had just recieved. History was alright, quiet, Biology, not the best, constantly seeing Angel and Dean flirt with each other. Then the others were just the same, constant flirting. At some point Jack sat next to me and gave a frustrated groan, it was aimed at me, but obviously about the love birds. All I did was nod, understanding his actions, I even saw Angel look away from Dean and glance at the two of us, before quickly looking back at the teacher.

Sometimes I wish I didn't sit behind her. Or beside her. She'll still find away to be near Dean. They always do. The only class we have together without Dean is Physical Education. I'm always excited for that time, it means I get some time with my girl and kicling people's asses.

I'm charming, I know.

Also, don't get me started on Alex, he was in all my lessons, sparing me a glance whenever I looked at him. I'd look away I couldn't face the fact of knowing he was now apart of my family. He was my boyfriend and now he's apart of my family. Blimmin' hell, he was either going to be my family in then end either way. Maybe if we kept dating we would stay together and I wouldn't look down at him. But I'm glad we broke up, I always felt like he was keeping something from me. We probably weren't meant to be.
Anyway, here I am, in the canteen, ready to eat my chicken nuggets, when Jack comes and sits in front of me. He stills one of mt fries and I raise my eye brow at him, he smirks in return.

I sigh. "If you're going to still my fries you can at least give me a proper hello." I tell him biting into my chicken nugget and copying his actions. He rolls his eyes.

"Hello, Kelly Smith, now, can I please have your fries?" Jack ask in return, it looked like was trying to attemp the puppy eyes, but it didn't work on me. I have him the fries though, I don't like the canteen ones, they taste like rotten egg. We must have different taste buds. Jack glanves behind me while eating a chip. "Here come the love birds."

I glance behind me to see Angel and Dean whispering to each other with grins on their faces as the walk towards us. Sometimes I'm worried for myself, those two could destroy the world one day. Or take over it. Maybe that's what's really happening, they're planning to destroy the world together . . .

No, they couldn't possibly do that, they're too innocent.

I snap out of my gaze at them and look back in front of me at Jack. We make eye contact, communicating with our eyes. Basically a way to say, act normal but watch them.

"What are you two doing together?" Angel ask as she takes her seat next to and Dean sits in front of her. Jack and I glance at each other and shrug. We're defiantly not watching you two flirt with each other and trying to get you two together so we can stop getring tortured by your sexual attention.

"Waiting for you." Jack answers as I was in my own world, I nod enthusiastically, trying to play along. Angel and Dean glance at each other before chuckling and beginning to eat their lunch. Jack and I look at each other questioningly. What did we just witness?

Evwn though that was weird, I shrug and begin to eat my chicken nuggets again while Jack eats my fries. We kept an eye on the love birds and they didn't talk to each other, only to us. There were the occasional glances at each other and some talking but nothing serious. At some point it felt like we were being interrogated.

Suspicious much.

Jack answered with. "What? We aren't allowed to sit near each other?"

To which Angel answer with. "No, you guys just hate each other to dit near each other."

I replied with. "People do stupid things for their friends." Obviously I said that to Angel and she did one of those 'awe' things and then hugged me.

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