Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I nodding my head, as I pretended to listen to what Luke was talking about. When in reality I had no idea what he's running his mouth about. Don't get me wrong I love Luke to death but my mind has been somewhere else these last few days.

I haven't heard from Alyssa in 5 days. Every time I would call her, her phone would go to voicemail. I even tried to visit her house a few times but no one answered which was very suspicious. Alyssa's mom doesn't go to work so she's always used to open the door when I knocked. Not only that but I haven't see her at school either. I was worried sick about her, she was always lingering in my thoughts. This isn't like Alyssa, I was so scared that something happened to her. That's why she couldn't contact me or why I haven't seen her.

Ever since that party, she hasn't been the same. What if those guys took her? I remembered hearing her say that if she told me they would find her. How did they find out? Oh my God I forgot I confronted Caine about, he could've told them. Damn it, this is all my fault!

I didn't even think before I went in his room and yelled at him about it. She warned me and I didn't listen. If he did tell them, does that mean he knows where she is?

An idea popped into my head, Maybe I could ask Caine? He was involved in the entire thing, he was the reason why they targeted her in the first place. He probably knows, but would he even tell me? I already knew that answer, of course not. He loves seeing me in pain.

Even if I did decide to ask him, can I even stomach being alone with him? Would he try something? Yes I know he would, I don't know if I could take it. I can't even look in his direction without wanting to cry or resisting the urge to beat the shit out of him. I mentally sighed, what am I going to do?

I vaguely hear someone calling my name "Bryce!" I blinked as I lifted my eyes up to meet Luke's.

"I've been calling your name for the last five minutes," Luke told me as he continued to eat his ice cream sundae.

"Sorry.." I smiled at him apologetically before dropped my eyes back on my ice cream. I picked up my spoon and forced myself to swallow a spoonful.

"Hey what's wrong? I've noticed something's been bothering you," He stated as he stared hard into my face.

I shook my head. "I'm okay," I replied, even though I didn't believe it for one second. I just kept my eyes trained on my bowl of melting ice cream.

"You expect me to believe that? Is it Alyssa? I haven't seen her lately," He said, thoughtfully.

I swallowed the lump in my throat before I opened my mouth. "Luke I have to go, it's getting late," I mumbled as I avoided his question. I knew it wasn't late, it was only 5. I didn't want to talk about this not now.

I stood up from the booth, I opened my purse to drop a 10 dollar bill on the table before I turned on my heel and exited the ice cream shop. I didn't get far before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around, facing Luke.

"What?" I asked him, tiredly. He frowned slightly before he stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"I understand if you're not the mood to talk to me or even talk about her. But I'll listen when you do feel like talking." He said softly as he looked down at me. His eyes was swimming with concern as he stared at my face.

I looked at him, my eyes brimming with tears. "Okay," I murmured as I glanced away from him, before I spoke softly.

"I'm scared, so scared that something happened to her. If it did it's going to be all my fault, I just...." My voice broke as I covered my face. I squeezed my eyes shut to keep the tears from falling.

I stood there, as I tried to collect myself. I let out a deep breath as I dropped my hands from my face. Luke doesn't say anything, he just stepped closer me. He wrapped his arms around me tightly as I bury my face in his chest. I tried my best to not cry, I can't do this here.

We stay like that for a minute before, he kissed my hair before he pulls back to glance at my face. He caressed my cheek gently as he said. "I can't tell you it'll be okay but I'll be here for you,"

I nodded as I let go of him. "Thank you," I smiled gratefully. He kind of made me feel better but I knew that I couldn't tell him the full story.

It was way deeper than he thought. He shrugged. "No problem,"

I give him one last smile before I turn around and walk away, my smile dropped and tears silently trail down my cheeks.

I walk with my head down, my eyes trained on the pavement beneath my feet. My blonde hair blowing in the breeze that blows pass me. I swing my white purse slightly as it's clutched in my left hand.

I wonder where Alyssa is. Is it true that those guys really did take her? What if they hurt her? If I would've kept my mouth shut, she wouldn't be in danger.

If I kept completely away from Caine none of this would've happened. If anything happens to her because of me I don't know what I'm going to do. Now I'm positive that she was taken, it makes more sense. But one thing I'm confused about is why Alyssa's mom didn't open the door when I knocked? I stopped by her house way too much for her to be busy. She doesn't have a job or anything I don't know about. And if her daughter is missing why haven't she contacted the police? This wasn't adding up.

I bit my lip as I get this weird feeling. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I glanced around me. Nothing, I don't see not a single person on the streets, it's not unusual.

My neighborhood always been quiet and calm.  I shook my head and continued on my way home when I get that weird feeling again.

It's so intense that I stop completely. I look around, nothing is out of place nor do I see anyone. It wasn't until I got home, a shiver ran through my body as I finally recognized that feeling.

The feeling of being watched.

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