Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

I sat quietly on the bed, my hands folded into my lap. I couldn't do much especially when I'm stuck in this room. It's been three weeks I since that meeting with Alicia. She wasn't joking when she said I had to stay with Caine. I've experienced some of my worse days when I'm with him.

Although my mother may have set up, the entire plan. Caine still was as evil as he's always been. Cruel and Heartless, it seem to be the trend because all of people are turning this way. Within these weeks I've been chained to the bed once again, also I've had to accompany him on his jobs. When I see him kill people, the fear I have for him is so overwhelming I can barely stand it.

God knows how long I'm going to have to stay here with him and experience the torment he's going to cause innocent victims. Sometimes Alyssa might come and help him. I won't lie I was slightly upset when I found he didn't kill her, apparently she really good at hiding. When I see her all over him, just throwing herself at him. I don't even know what to do with myself, just disgusting.

I don't know how, I couldn't ever do that but she seemed it too. It's absolutely sickening, she's so desperate that it's actually pathetic. He doesn't give her the time of the day, he doesn't care about her feeling not one bit. She's treated just as coldly as anyone else. I see how much it hurts her, but I can't make myself care.

Lately, I've been so tired not physically but mentally. I just don't want to do anything besides escaping again but the door has a key to it that locks from the outside. I just wanted to run away from here, away from everything. I want my old life back, the life where I didn't have to worry about being killed or raped. The life where I never had much on my mind, the life with people I love, when everything was simple. I know I won't be getting that life no time soon. For now, I've decided on being a good girl. 

It's way harder than I thought, doing everything he says, not being defiant. One of the hardest things I've done but its going pretty well. At least I don't have anymore bruises, after my knife wound healed immensely. I'm able to move more freely, not be in so much pain.

Although, I still have discomfort its okay. I forgot all about how good it felt to not be in pain, to this day I don't say much. I'm more quiet lost in my thoughts. Its the only way they'll let their guard down if they thought I gave up. I still don't let anyone just run over me though but I do try to listen to the rules Caine has.

I make my way to the restroom, my feet not making a single sound on the hard wood floor. I fiddle with the hem of the grey tank top I'm wearing, once I reach the bathroom I quietly close the door with a soft click. I look around for the brush I keep in the drawer. Once It's in my possession I gently brush the tangles and knots out of my blonde hair. I don't stop until all the tangles are gone, I wash my face with warm cloth, hanging on the bathroom sink.

After that's done, I tip toed out the bathroom to resume sitting on the bed. I let out a sigh as I cover my face with my hands. Since they're aren't any windows or a clock I have no idea what time it is. I look up just in time to see the door knob turn and the quiet clatter of the keys. I try to ignore the way my stomach clenched in fear as Caine strolled in. I keep my eyes downward as I heard him walk around room, most likely searching for something.

"We're going on a trip, get ready." He ordered as he grabbed a duffle bag and began throwing things inside. I stood up. "A trip?" I questioned with a tinge of annoyance in my voice. A trip is way worse than going on a job. At least I assume it is, going on a job is like a 30 minute trip to where ever they are residing. Its always quick but, a trip is most likely out of state. I didn't want to spend 2 or 3 days stuck by Caine's side I mentally groaned. That's definitely going to be torture.

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