Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I was sitting on the edge of my bed, my heart was beating out of control. I only have half an hour left, I'm surprised at how fast the day flew by. I remembered it was just 8:00 this morning when I went over Alyssa's house. And discovered that horrifying mess in her room.

After that episode at her house, I was so freaked out. I tried to find something to do, but my mind wouldn't stay focused on it. So I just settled down for sitting on my bed and waiting.

I was asking myself the one question, could I actually do this? I wanted to save myself for that one guy that I would love in the future. But now that's not happening, how unfair. My hatred for Caine grew as I watched the time on the clock. I don't even understand why he's so intent on tormenting me.

Ever since the first time we even met, he was like this. What I said to him wasn't even that big of a deal. But could he blame me? He was some stranger in my house of course I wouldn't be friendly.

Usually by now I would've been a screaming and crying mess. But strangely I feel numb, I'm hoping that I stay this way the whole night.

Deep down I was so angry at Caine for doing this to me, making me do something like this. If it was one thing in my life I really didn't want to do it would be this.

I glanced at the clock 11:48, I tried to take a deep breath before I slowly let it out. I got up and walked over to the bathroom. I just stared at myself in the mirror, my green eyes scanning over myself. I looked the same, nothing seemed to change.

Except over these last few weeks I've experienced things I thought I'd never ever would. I splashed water on my face to calm my nerves. I sighed heavily before I wiped my face and exited the bathroom. I didn't even have to look at the clock to see it was time.

I quietly closed my bedroom door before I walked over to Caine's. I didn't bother to knock, I just strolled in. My face was emotionless and my jaw was clenched. I spotted him in his closet, he only had on a pair of black jeans. He seemed to be looking for something, when I looked closely at him. I noticed a small tattoo on his chest, it had indescribable patterns swirling in a circle, with 2 words in bold print No Mercy.

How fitting because he never seemed to show any. He was so evil and cruel, he must live by those 2 words. He pulled a black shirt over his head before he finally looked over at me. When I looked into his eyes I tried my best to not let a shiver of fear run down my spine, goosebumps erupted all over my arms.

"Well what are you waiting for?" I asked him bitterly as I folded my arms over my chest. My green eyes glaring, hatefully at him. Everything about this creature I hated.

He glared back at me before he said in an icy tone "I have business to take care of."

Relief flooded through my body, I won't have to do this tonight. I can lay in my warm bed and fall into a restless slumber. I really needed a good night rest.

"And you're going to come with me," He continued as he shrugged on a black leather jacket. I froze, I knew what that meant. I'm going to have to watch someone die again. Now any ideas of rest flew out the windows as well. I really didn't want to this, I never wanted to do this again.

"Why do I have to come?" I demanded coldly.

"Because I fucking said so," He snarled as he rummaged through a big black chest. My eyes went wide when I saw him put 2 guns in the belt of his pants. I gulped yes indeed someone is dying tonight and he wants me to come so I can be more traumatized than I already am. Unlike him some people actually have a heart, I bet he has no problem killing innocent people in cold blood. A cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck.

"So? Who cares about what the hell you said," I grumbled under my breath, but unfortunately Caine heard this.

His eyes narrowed on me before he growled. "I'm not in the fucking mood to deal with your smartass mouth right now. Whatever I say you're going to listen unless you want me to use one of these guns on you," He threatened harshly.

I rolled my eyes but said nothing. I was kind of scared if I did he would hurt me, I already have to many bruises and plus I didn't want to die. I wouldn't put it past him to just shoot me without remorse. Evil creature like him are in capable of feeling those types of emotions.

He took my silence as me agreeing to what he said. He continued to take weapons out of the black chest and into the duffle bag. I leaned against the wall and watched him silently. I wondered who is the unlucky person to face Caine's wrath. Is it a man or a woman? My heart is going out for those poor souls.

"Come on," He snapped as he opened his bedroom door. I didn't even notice him when he finished and walked past me.

I followed after him quietly, my eyes trained on the floor under me. Before we crept out the front  door I slide on my combat boots and quickly catch up with him. I'm not surprised when we reached that same, black sleek car. Once I'm in the passenger seat, I don't say a word. My eyes stay glued to my hands clasped in my lap.

In no time we reached a destination, the street was so dark. I couldn't see a single thing. No street lights was in sight, all I saw was blackness. The moon provided a little light but the clouds kept blocking the way.

Caine pulled the key out of the ignition before he turned and faced me. The light the car provided dimmed until it disappeared completely. I stared into the darkness, Caine's deep voice made me flinch slightly.

"Stay near me, don't be wandering off. If I tell you to do something, do it. " He commanded. Whatever I'll do what ever the hell I want I thought to myself with a roll of my eyes. I just nodded even though he probably couldn't see me. He opened his door as I do too. We both headed down the street until Caine stopped in front of a white and black house. It was a tiny little thing it had only 2 windows from what I could see.

He swung the door open and marched right in. I followed behind him, my heart crashing against my chest like a jackhammer. I rubbed my sweaty palms on my pants. I was hoping he didn't kill some poor person. As I caught a glimpse of the inside of the house. I noticed that whoever's house this is. They didn't have much, it looked so run down. The furniture had rips and tears, the wall was peeling off. Even the carpet had a lot of stains.

Caine didn't stop until he reached the end of the hall. A dainty, small room had 2 figures laying on a homemade bed. Caine slowly walk into the room, as I listen closely I hear hushed whispers. One of the figures moved slightly, I guess they're awake. He clicked on the light switch.

"Sorry to interrupt," Caine said with a small, twisted grin on his face as the whispers immediately came to a halt. A figure I recognized as a female sat up slowly. An emotion I can only describe as fear flicked across her face.

"C-caine?" She stuttered as stared at his angry face. The male figure sat up as well. Their expression was filled with so much fear. I looked away, how many times had my face looked just like theirs. I wish I could save them, I really do...

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