Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I was getting really scared, the flames were getting closer than I expected. The heat was burning my skin with such intensity, that I winced in pain. Alyssa still had her hand around my wrist, in a tight grip. I guess I wasn't the only one frightened. It seems, as if the hallway was never ending, so many twists and turns. The smoke clouding my vision didn't help either, neither did the scorning fire behind me.

My heart was beating out of control, partly because of the fear that I might die and because I was running like my life depended on it..which it kind of did.

My lungs were beginning to burn from all the running I was doing, my legs wanted to collapse under me but I pushed harder. I knew I couldn't fulfill those desires right now, at least not until I reached safety.

I wanted to cry tears of joy, when I saw the door labeled Exit.

We flew through that door like a like a bat out of hell. We didn't stop running until we were deep into the forest that surrounded the warehouse. After a while, Alyssa released her hold on my wrist. I took that as the queue to stop. I was panting and gasping like I just came up from being underwater for an hour. I laid a hand on my heart, which was thumping underneath my hand. I wiped away the sweat that coated my forehead. Damn.

I glanced around and sighed in relief when I noticed that the warehouse was no where in sight. I sniffed the air and smiled gleefully at the fact I couldn't smell anymore smoke.

Alyssa was leaned up against a tree not to far from me, looking exhausted. I bet I looked the exact same. I narrowed my eyes when I noticed that she had a cell phone against her ear. How long has she been on that phone? I know she was talking to Caine. I glanced around the forest, besides Alyssa there was no one else here, nothing keeping me restrained. Then a sudden idea comes to mind, this is my chance, I can escape!

I slowly backed away, my eyes trained on Alyssa, who was completely unaware of my intention to escape. Once I was positive I wasn't in her sight anymore, I spun on my heel to take off. But my idea didn't go as planned because I crashed straight into a hard chest. Damn it.

I took a step back, I didn't even have to see his face to know that was him. How did he get here so fast?

I gulped as I slowly brought my eyes up to meet his. He sadistically, grinned down at me. "Going somewhere?" He questioned as he curled his fingers around my shirt, yanking me into his chest. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out.

"Cat got your tongue?" He drawled, that sadistic grin still playing on his lips.

I stiffened when he leaned down to speak softly in my ear, "I know you weren't trying to escape? We both know what type of punishment you would suffer for that attempt." His voice rang in my ears, echoing all around my mind. I wanted to control the fear running through my veins, but it had a mind of it's own because it continued to consume my entire body.

He leaned back to shoot me a deadly glare. "There's so much I want to do to you right now, but this isn't the place for it," He said, his voice cold and low. Goosebumps erupted across my arms, ad the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I wanted to curse him out and demand that he let me go but my mouth wouldn't produce any words.

Once he noticed that I wouldn't respond. He unclamped his hand from around my arms only to grab a fistful of my blonde locks. I gritted my teeth at the hot, scorching pain that burned my scalp. He doesn't say a word as he yanked me along with him to the clearing I was at only moments ago.

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