Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

We both walked quietly down the stairs, our footsteps were the only sound echoing through the empty house. My mind was in chaos, my thoughts were like a tornado inside of my brain. My head was beginning to ache, the gunshot continued to ring in my ears. The look of terror on the poor girl's face, was forever imprinted in my mind. Every single person Caine killed was. Sometimes I couldn't help but blame myself.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Caine had stopped. I glanced at him in confusion, but once my eyes followed his line of vision. I furrowed my eyebrows at the man.

He couldn't be older than Caine, he shared the same facial features as the young woman, so I could only assume that they were related.

"Who are you? Why are you in Eloise's house?" The young man questioned in confusion as his eyes flickered between Caine and I.

Caine scowled at him but offered no response as he walked towards the front door. I followed after him. The young man frowned and grabbed Caine's arm. He turned around swiftly and shoved the man so hard that he stumbled back a few steps. "Don't fucking touch me." He hissed, menacingly.

He reached out to grab a hold my upper arm, I winced at his tight grip. He threw the man a cruel smirk over his shoulder. "Oh, don't worry about little ole Eloise..."

All the color drained from his face. "You're the man she was talking about.." He trailed off as realization dawned on him but then his face confronted into rage. His body shook in anger as he charged at Caine.

He turned around as soon as the man threw a hard punch at him. I fight back the urge to smile. But all too soon, that urge disappeared when I saw the murderous expression on Caine's face.

The young man didn't seem to care because he tried to punch him again. Caine dodged his hit, then he grabbed his arm and forced it behind his back. Caine whispered something in his ear, an evil grin creeping up his face. The man's expression to morphed into one of pure terror. He struggled against Caine's hold, as he shook his head.

Caine spun him around, then he proceed to pound his fist into the man's face over and over. The man's face soon turned into a bloody mess. I covered my mouth in horror as man collapsed, but Caine didn't stop there. He kicked the man, ruthlessly with so force behind his hits.

He took out a knife from his back pocket, he crouched down to the man's level. He stabbed the knife down into the man's heart with an unmerciful smile. I was paralyzed with fear. My mom was screaming at me to get the hell out of there. But my legs wouldn't move, the way he killed him reminded me of a gory horror film. My eyes were wide with terror. I couldn't breathe..

"You can join your sister in hell," He murmured, darkly as he stood up. He wiped his hands on his grey t-shirt. He glanced at me. "Was that too much for Bryce to handle?" He taunted with a wicked grin. I slowly brought my hands up to my face. I was surely traumatized after that horrific scene. I couldn't force any words out of my mouth. I turned away from him as if that would keep me protected from him.

I stiffened when I felt his presence behind me. He slowly moved my blonde hair to one side. "Don't worry, when I kill you. I'll make his death look like child's play.." He murmured as he pressed a lingering kiss to the side of my moistened neck.

"It's going to be fun for me, but not so much for you," He whispered, his breath fanned side of my face. An involuntarily shiver went down my spine at his threat. My stomach clenched as a slither of fear crept around my body.

He walked around me, until we were face to face. His blue eyes were gleaming with malice. "Who know maybe when I do kill you...I'll make sure to rape you on a pool of your own blood."

With that he turned on his heel and exited through the front door. A tear slipped down my cheek. I released a shaky breath. I wiped it away, before I went in the direction he had.

It was no surprise that I once again was stuck in Caine's room. I was so tired of being in this confined space, the trip was a only week ago. But it felt like forever since I left this place. I missed the sunlight warming my skin, white fluffy clouds floating in the sky. Even the smell of fresh air, all the things I've taken for granted. It was so many things I missed, I wish I could go back in time to those special moments because for now I was forever stuck in this hellhole until Caine decided to kill me.

There was so many times that I wanted to escape when he took me with him on his jobs. But I knew I couldn't act on impulse, I had to have a well thought out plan. Even though he maybe busy killing the victims I knew he also kept his eyes on me. If I messed up one time to escape, I would never leave the warehouse again. Not only that but I'd probably get beaten so badly I wouldn't be able to walk again. When Caine was angry it was best to keep my mouth shut and endure it.

I peered around the room. I longingly stared at the television. How I missed even watching a good classic? The simple things were the ones I wished I could get back. I was always left alone in this room for hours. The only time I was able to leave was to eat breakfast and dinner. It wasn't too exciting, I was tired of eating sandwiches, but it was better than starving.

I went to the bathroom, maybe I should just run a bath? The sound of the keys in the door stopped me. I craned my neck in the direction I heard the sound. Alyssa sauntered in with a frown on her face. It was already dinner time?

She didn't say anything, but I knew what time it was. I followed after her, when she turned around and began to walk out the door. We walked through the dimly lit hallways. Until we reached the kitchen, I took my usual seat at the table near the stove. She opened the fridge to give me a sandwich. I opened the wrapper and began to chew on the sandwich.

I was done in under a minute. I still sat at the table as I studied Alyssa. She still looked like the same Alyssa. The one that would come over my house to watch movies and drool over the hot actors. The one that always tried to force me to go to Bradley Kingston's parties. The one that was my shoulder to cry on when I thought about my dad sometimes.

"Why?" I asked her in a meek voice. She gazed at me in confusion, her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Why did you do this to me? Was Caine really more important than me?" I wondered, my tone was slightly guarded. She glanced down with a heavy sigh.

When she met my eyes again. I knew I wasn't going to get the answer I wanted. "I don't want to get into this alright? It happened now it's done," She shrugged. I blankly stared at her.

I took it upon myself to rise from the table as I waited for her at the entrance of the kitchen.

I examined the kitchen when a weird stench entered my nose. It smelled almost like smoke? Alyssa came up behind wearing the same puzzled expression. We both glanced down the hall. What I see has my eyes wide as saucers.

Large flames were burning the bottom half of the warehouse. Thick smoke assaulted my nostrils. The building began to collapse into heavy, large heaps

Alyssa swiftly grabbed my upper arm, yanking me along with her. "We have to go!" She yelled, urgently.

We broke into a sprint in the opposite direction of the flames. My heart was racing against my chest. The only thought that were in my head was I have to get out of here.

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