Falling Apart

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Ding-Dooong. Arg! I hate it when somebody comes while we're watching a movie with Julie. Popping her head out the window behind her Julie said "It's Daniel." I smiled but then my smile vanished. Daniel...at Sunday night? Interesting. Walking to the door I opened it with a wide smile. "You have few minutes?" he asked with a serious tone and expression. "S-sure. Come in." I said and stepped aside.

Closing the door I went to the living room and told Julie I'd be at my room for a while. When I turned around Daniel wasn't even there. Interesting (again)...Daniel not saying hello to Julie.

I stormed up stairs with kinda shaking hands and found him opening the door of my room. As we entered inside I leaned over the closed door and looked at Daniel. When he didn't say anything I held the front of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. He didn't kiss me back, even after seconds of trying he didn't.

Pulling away I rose my eyebrow and said" Oo-kay..let's talk then." He nodded as I walked to the bed and sat down crossed-leg. He sat at the other end of the bed...Jeez something's seriously wrong here.


Daniel...not saying hi to me, not giving a hello kiss to Emi right at the door. Something's seriously wrong. Pausing the movie I put the popcorn to a side and slowly start climbing upstairs. When I reached to the top, I sat down leaning over the wall.

Yes, I'm listening. Indeed. It's my job for God's sake. Of course I'm curious too but there's something wrong and I have to know. Those two have known each other (and me)for years and I've seen many fights between them. Experiences, experiences...They can kill each other there.


"I won a scholarship." Daniel said all of a sudden, not even smiling. "That's great. Where?" I asked, trying to sound excited and happy for him. "It's at Arizona." he said, looking at me right in the eye and again not showing any emotion.


What the fuck!?!?! He's leaving? Again? Oh he's so dead. Emily won't let him out living.


"A-Arizona?" I asked, purely shocked. He nodded and didn't say anything, waiting me to go on. "It's great. You have to accept it. But what abou-" "I already accepted it."

Again. No emotion, no expression. "Without even bothering to come and tell me first? I'm your girlfriend, remember? "Oh Emi, don't start with that emotional crap all over again. You can come with me." he said rolling his eyes.

Taking a deep breath and calming myself I spoke again. "How do you expect me to do that? I have a life here, friends, school, most importantly Julie. And it's impossible for me transfer myself to and American university. I have to start all over in medicine if I want to. And taking visas..."

"Then I guess you're leaving me alone." he said. Anger started boiling inside me. "Me?! Leaving you alone!? Why aren't I surprised? This is what you always did! Blaming someone else to cover up yourself!" I shouted, jumping off the bed.

"You didn't even call me to say this. We could've talked about it but no, you chose to say it at last minute. And you expected me to come!? And when I'm not you're still going? Like this?" I shouted again.

"You've always been like this. Your friends were always more important then me. I knew you'd leave me alo-" "Screw you Daniel! Of course they're more important. More important than an ass like you." I screamed this time.

He didn't say anything and gave me another chance to shout. "I should've known you'd run away in any chance of being rich, famous and successful. I was just a toy for you. I'm sorry I forgot that fact about you Dawson!"

"This is who I am Montez. I can't change. I thought you loved me. Like, you really really loved me. That you'd come." he said with a calm voice, making me even madder. Getting closer to the edge of the bed I stood right in front of him. "You know what...if it was a few years ago, while I was dying to see you...I'd come. But now, you're not worth it. You're not worth anything Dan. People were right. You don't deserve my love. And because of you I lost someone who deserved."

This time I talked calmly. I didn't even want to cry. Actually I wanted but not because of Daniel. "You mean-" he started but I cut him off. "Yes Daniel. We're over. Forever. Thank you for showing me my mistakes. I remembered who you were."

"Emily, we can work this out. I-I can stay." he said. Right, play the innocent. "My love isn't here for you anymore Daniel. It's here but it's not enough to cover up your faults anymore. I think I don't love you that much. Now..get out of my house and my life." I said calmly, stepping aside.

He stood up and stood right in front of me, our knees touching. "You're finishing this? Like that?" he asked, broken. "I'm not finish'ing'. I finish'ed. Fuck off Dawson." I said. Calmly. Not even feeling bad.

"Can I hug you? For goodbye?" he asked. I rolled my eyes and said "That's Christopher's quote don't use it you're not as affective as he is. And no. You can't hug me. Go hug your acceptance letter. Toodless! Oh and...say hi to Chase for me. I missed him."I said led him out the room and didn't even bother to go down stairs.


"What the hell was that!?" I asked entering our bedroom and looking at a pretty calm Emily Montez. She was smiling at me. "Sometimes love isn't enough. Not even enough for Daniel. And I guess..he's not the one I'm in love with Jul. I wanted it to be, but it's not."


Fuck...what I've done to Chris? I'm an utter idiot.


Soo..what do you think now?

Tell me :))

Love you all :))


Amortentia (:

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