That long journey home.

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It didn't feel real. The moment I had dreaded for so long had finally happened. I checked my phone, it was 3:45pm. Noah will have boarded by now. I sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands. I don't know how we're going to do the whole long distance relationship, I saw him 2 hours ago and I missed him. I crawled under the covers and  made a promise to myself that I wouldn't end up depressed in bed however that promise did not include the rest of today. There was a knock on my bedroom door.

' Hello.. ' I sighed.

' Does someone need a hug. ' Lee waltz into the room and landed on the bed, pulling the comforter over us both. throwing his arm around me. Once he hugged me, the tears started to flow. 

' He cried with mom last night you know, said he didn't know how he was going to manage without seeing you everyday.'

' It's been literally an hour and I already miss him. I'm so glad I have you Lee, I don't know what I would do without you. '

' Elle you promised I wouldn't have to listen to any mushy talk when he left. '

' You started it. '

' Whatever, now get up. Rachel and I are bringing you for pizza. '

' Oh I don't know Lee, I feel kinda sick. '

' Not listening to your excuses, come on. ' I shot Lee a look but of course he was already halfway down the stairs. I sighed and got up, grabbing my jacket as I followed him out the door.

You know that pit of emptiness in your stomach when you break up with someone? That was exactly how I felt right now, and only Noah was going to fill it. All I wanted right now was to hear that he had landed safely .. or just to hear from him at all really. Lee and Rachel returned and dropped the slices of pizza on the table in front of me. I took one look at it, the grease dripping onto the paper plates, the sauce still sizzling from the heat. ' I'm gonna be sick.. ' I stood up and raced to the bathroom, barely making it before I spewed into the toilet bowl. I felt Rachel's hand on my shoulder a few seconds later.

' You okay Elle?'

' Jeez that came out of nowhere. '

' You've had a rough day, I'm sure thats all it is. I brought your phone, Noah just texted you. '

I grabbed the phone from her. There was a text from Noah - Hey Shelly, I've landed. I'll call you when I get to my apartment. I love you so much.

I held the phone close to my chest. ' I miss him Rachel, it hasn't been a day yet and I miss him. ' I half smiled knowing how pathetic I sounded, yet it was all true.

She hugged me before we headed back out to Lee, who appeared disgusted when I started to eat the pizza slice that made me want to barf a few moments ago.

Not long after Lee dropped me home my phone rang.

' Noah?'

' Shelly! '

' Well... tell me all about it?'

'It's nice, it's very nice. It's missing a very beautiful girl on my bed though. '

' I pretty sure you could google a number and get one there in a few minutes.'

' You're hilarious .'

' I miss you Noah . '

' I miss you Elle. So so much. Promise me you'll come and visit in a few weeks. ' Great.. thirty seconds on the phone and I'm already fighting back tears.

' Try and stop me. Any plans tonight?'

' There is a freshers night at the bar, I don't feel like going though. '

' Noah your should go, make some friends. '

' I'd rather sit here talking to you. '

' Well some of us have some very important reading to do.. '

' Shelly reading can only mean one thing.. Did you leave the entire reading list until the last week of summer break? '

' Hey it's tradition, and I was somewhat distracted. '

' Oh were you now? Please, enlighten me. '

' Late night phone calls.. just like this actually. Now go out, make some friends so you're not a total loner. '

' I love you dork. Tell me how school goes tomorrow. '

' Love you Noah. '

I'm not gonna lie, talking to him made me feel a whole lot better, maybe we really could do this.

A/N HI there. So I watched the kissing booth for the first time this weekend and the storyline left me OBSESSED. I wasn't planning on writing a fan fiction but I just felt the story I had in my head wasn't being told by anyone else. I really hope you enjoy going on this writing journey with me. 

I feel it's important to add that The Original kissing booth characters are the intellectual property of Beth Reekles.

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