The Most Surreal Day Of My Life

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The next morning I woke up and instantly breathed in Noah's scent. It finally felt complete now that he was here. Lee did actually take Maddie into his room for the night and I couldn't describe how good it felt to sleep through the night.

' Morning Shelly. ' Noah whispered when he realised I was awake, kissing my temple. ' Jesus I missed this all week. '

' Not as much as I did Noah.. '

' Happy kissing booth anniversary. ' He winked.

' Kissing booth what? '

' This day two years ago I finally got to kiss you Elle.. '

' Noah I can't believe you remembered that.. '

' And I have the flowers to prove it. ' He grinned and lifted up a bouquet of sunflowers from under the bed.

' Oh my god, they're beautiful. ' I was sobbing hysterically ' I love you. '

' Are we a little hormonal Elle? '

' No.. ' I continued to cry. ' I'm-I'm- I'm so sorry I didn't remember Noah. ' He sat up and wrapped me in his arms, kissing me.

' Elle, it's just hormones. Please don't cry. ' I could tell he was laughing at how rediculous I was being. He went to pull me onto his lap but I winced in pain. He noticed immediately.

' Did I hurt you? ' The panic was evident in his voice.

' No, I'm just a little crampy this morning. I'm practically used to it now. '

' Elle, I'm sorry I didn't realise.. can I do anything for you. '

' Well I'm craving strawberries so badly.. is there any outside? '

' Yeah baby, I think I saw some.. I'l be right back. '

I settled back into bed and Noah came back in it, strawberries in one hand and Maddison in the other.

' Sweetheart Mommy has a sore tummy. ' Noah warned her, she clambered up beside me and gently kissed my tummy.

' Thank you Maddie. ' I cooed while stroking her hair. ' I can't believe that one month from now, we're gonna have two little girls. '

' Neither can I Ellle.. you have made me the happiest man alive. '

' Noah stop you'll make me cry again. ' I sighed, making him snigger, and with that I burst into tears again.

' Elle whats wrong now? ' Noah was laughing hysterically and I couldn't blame him.

' Maddie just looks so cute. ' I sobbed.

' Maddison, stop being so cute.. you're making momma cry. '

' Sorry Momma. ' She kissed my tummy again and I cried harder.

' You don't have to apologise baby. I'm just so proud of you. '

Noah was still laughing at me when Lee walked into the room, his eyes were fixated on his phone. His face was filled with pure panic.

' Lee? ' I called, a couple of seconds later Noah tried again.

' Hey lil bro? '

' That was Rachel.. ' He choked, clutching his phone. ' She's gone into labour. '

'Lee, oh my god..' I leapt out of bed. ' We have to go. '

' We? '

' Noah and I, we'll come with you. You're not going alone. '

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