Hello Again

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Noah and I had been staring at Aria for about an hour when Noah's phone rang.

' Hey mom, yeah we're at the hospital, if you just walk through those double doors.. yeah those ones and walk into the room on the left. ' The door burst open and standing there was June, my dad, Brad and Maddie. They stopped in their tracks.

' Wait, Elle? Elle what are you doing her- is that yours? '

Noah and I nodded and were met with eruptions of laughter from our family. Noah walked over and reached his arms out to get Maddie. He sat her down on the bed beside me and sat on he edge to ensure she didn't fall out.

' Babygirl, this is your baby sister. '

' My sistah? '

The others were still standing in the doorway gobsmacked, my dad looked so shocked you could blow him over with a gust of wind. I started giggling.

' Elle, how did this happen? '

' I'd felt really crappy all morning, I thought I just had cramps but I was in labour. ' I laughed.

' Oh my babies.. congrats. ' June cried. ' Do we have a name? '

' This is Aria, Aria Lee Flynn. ' Noah grinned. June burst into tears again.

' Oh you guys.. I am so proud of you. '

' Well done Ellie Bear. ' My dad walked over and kissed my head.

' Can I hold her? ' Brad asked.

' Sure thing, sit down on that chair and I'll pass her to you. ' Noah smiled. We all cooed and awed as Brad cuddled his new niece.

After about twenty minutes everyone headed into Lees room to meet his son, leaving Noah and I with our two beautiful girls. Maddie couldn't take her eyes off the little sister she had pictured holding for so long.

' Can I keep her mommy? ' Maddie asked innocently.

' Yes of course we can baby, she's coming home with us. '

' Can she play with the blocks. '

' Not until she's a big girl like you sweetheart. ' Noah told her softly.

' Noah we don't even have a crib for her at home. We gave it to Lee and Rachel. '

' Elle I'll go to the store now, I'll FaceTime you and you can tell me what you like.. okay? '

' You're wonderful.. you know that? ' I smiled.

' Elle Flynn, you have now given me two beautiful baby girls, there is nobody more wonderful than you. '

An hour later I kissed Maddie goodnight and Noah headed out with her, they were going to the baby store on the way home.

' Just you and me here now baby girl. ' I whispered to Aria, she was snoozing quietly in my arms. My phone rang about twenty minutes later. My phone lit up to show Noah and Maddie smiling into the camera.

' Hey there beautiful, we're at the store. Maddie likes this one. ' Noah said as he pointed to a white crib made of wood with pink bunny shaped carvings on the outside. ' I think you'll prefer this one with no bunnies.. '

' Maddison honey? You want Aria to have bunnies on her crib? '

' Mommy she NEEDS bunnies. ' Maddie announced as if it was an obvious answer.

' Then I think we should get the bunnies. ' I grinned.

' Whatever my girls want, they get.. ' Noah grinned. ' Elle you look exhausted, are you gonna sleep? '

' I'll sleep, I'm just waiting for the nurse to come in and check on her. ' I turned my phone so Noah could see his baby.

' Sweet dreams Elle, thank you for everything. '

' I love you, I'll be in to bring you guys home as early as I can tomorrow. '

' I love you squared. ' I smiled.

No sooner had I hung up when the door opened and Rachel walked in.

' Hey Elle. ' She sighed in a hushed tone.

' Rachel.. ' I couldn't help but suddenly feel a little more protective over Aria.

' Elle, I just wanted to come in and tell you how sorry I am for everything that has happened. ' She didn't look like she should be walking, or even standing up.

' I admit Elle, I am so jealous of the life you and Noah have made for yourselves. You have the two most beautiful girls I have ever seen.. She's even more beautiful in person than she is in the photos. '

' Thank you Rachel, Oscar is gorgeous too. '

' Thank you. ' She smiled softly. ' I just hope I can be as good a mom to him as you have been to Maddison. I only wish I could take back everything I said in the living room that day. '

' Well you can't Rachel, but that doesn't mean I won't forgive you over time.. ' Just then the door opened again and a midwife walked in.

' Rachel? You shouldn't be walking around.. let's get you back to bed..' She spoke to Rachel as if she was a child and then walked her back into her own room. It didn't take me long to dose off after that.

A/N Hey guys, long time no speak! I hope y'all are all good ! How pumped are you that we are getting a sequel ?! What would you like to see happen? It would be pretty cool if they used this book wouldn't it ?? X

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