A Month Later

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A/N HELLO HI I hope you're enjoying the story so far. So ya'll know pregnancy are long af to base a plot on but I'll do my best. I may have to write ' 2 months later ' a lil bit, like right now .. Enjoy ( Also lemme know if you have any suggestions :) 

So let me give you a little update. I'm almost 5 months pregnant, I haven't barfed in about two months ( score) , my dad hasn't spoken to me since dinner that night, I've only seen him once since and that was just to take things from my bedroom. I also go and watch Brad's soccer matches but I sit on the other side of the stands. Lee and I are good, he warmed up to the idea slowly and asking him to be godfather really sweetened the deal. I live with the Flynn's now, only Noah isn't here, he went back to college. I wasn't mad, The way the academic year worked out he would be home well before the baby came. God I missed him though.

On Skype-

'So lets see your tummy'

I stood up and pulled Noah's oversized hoodie above my stomach. I laid my hand on it.

' I think it's bigger but it could just be all the food you're mom is cooking me. '

' It's definitely bigger since last week. I can't wait to find out the sex. '

' Neither can I, my appointment is half 2 on Friday. I wish you could be there with me. '

' Not as much as I do baby, but my mom will be with you , and Lee. Just think of Lee as a less awesome version of me. '

I giggled. ' I'm so exhausted though, going to school is really starting to zap all my energy. '

' Take a day off Shelly, you deserve it. '

' Noah I'm already not going to college, I'd like to at least graduate high school . '

' Elle.. '

' No '

' How did you know what I was going to say .'

' Because you say it every night, I'm not going to prom. '

' Why '

' I'm gross and pregnant and I don't want to third wheel with Lee and Rachel . I'm fine, I'm going to Rachel's house on Thursday night to help her get ready. '

' Oh Shelly that makes me so sad, you deserve to be going. '

' Well I'm gonna eat ice cream and Skype you instead. Now I'm going to sleep. Love you.'

' Love you Shell.'

I closed down the lid of the laptop and climbed into Noah's bed. I was laying in the dark when I felt the strangest sensation. I grabbed my phone and dialled Noah. He answered almost immediately.

' Baby whats the matter?'

' Kicking, they're kicking ! '

' Elle, oh my god. What does it feel like? '

' It's like a little fish swimming around or something. It's so weird. '

The line was silent.

' Noah '

' I wish I was there with you. I can't believe I'm missing this. '

' It's just the first time Noah, it will happen plenty more. '

He stayed silent a while longer, ' Sleep well shelly, I'll call you in the morning .'

That was weird, he sounded so upset. I rolled over and my stomach squirmed again. ' Hello little squirt, I think you have stolen your daddy's heart already. '

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