Drug Store Chips

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Allow me to update you on my life since Noah left.

Wake up.


Eat breakfast.

Barf again.

School with Lee.

Barf after first period.

Get through the day.

Hang out with Lee.

Try not to barf in his presence.

Call Noah.



Which brings me to this particular day in October where I find myself in the drugstore buying a pregnancy test, or three. I mean the signs were there the whole time, but somehow it was only when I realised I never got my period this month that I started to associate the barfing to possibly being pregnant. I don't know how this happened? We were always so careful. I carried the tests up to the counter. I was minding my own business when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

' Elle' I froze for a second, before I grabbed five packets of chips from the stand beside the counter to cover the real reason I was in here.

' June ! ' I hugged her. ' How are you? I feel like we haven't spoken in ages. '

' I know sweetie, you're not around the house as much as you used to be now that Noah is away. How are you getting on? '

' I'm doing okay, just trying to focus on schoolwork and get the year over with I guess.. I miss Noah though.'

' We all do sweetie. It must be time you arranged a visit out there. Actually I'm glad to see you Elle, I was going to call and invite you for a girls day out this weekend. I thought a bit of shopping might cheer you up. '

' That sounds great June, thank you. '

' My pleasure, I look forward to it. '

The shop assistant interrupted.' Do you want these in a bag ?'

' Please. ' I choked as I piled the chips into the bag, praying June hadn't caught what the cashier had held up.

' You come to the drugstore to buy Chips often? ' June questioned suspiciously.

' Oh yeah.. don't you? They're the best ones.. can't get them anywhere else.. see you this weekend!' I turned and scuttled out of the store.

Back at the house I sat up on the counter chugging back water until I finally needed to pee. I ripped open the box and pulled out one of the daunting little white sticks. This can't be too difficult. I just pee on the stick.  

One minute passed,

Then the second.

Then the third.

I turned off the timer and looked at the little white stick of fate. Clear as day, two aggressively pink  lines. Pregnant. I slid down the edge of the bathtub and sighed heavily. ' Well shit. '

Noah called me that evening, we had our usual conversations about the day.

' So guess what.. ' 

' Go on. '

' Since my girlfriend still has not made her way to Harvard for a campus tour and I cannot possibly last another week without seeing her. I shall be landing in LAX next week. ' Double shit.

' You're kidding .. '

' Would I kid around? You don't sound surprised, are you okay? '

' Oh yeah of course, I'm fine.. thrilled even! I can't wait to see you Noah. '

' I can't wait to see you Elle, not long to wait now. '

When he hung up I put my head down on the pillow, this is a nightmare. Should I tell Lee about this? Can I tell Lee about this. I don't know if he'll be madder at Noah or I. Not to mention my father, who is going to loose his mind. Should I tell Noah before he gets here? Should I tell Noah at all? I mean he jut got to Harvard. I can't ruin this on him now.

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