Everything I'm not

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They always say your second baby is totally different to your first and boy, they were not kidding. She barely eats, barely sleeps through the night and she cries all the time. She was a week old and I could barely keep my eyes open. Noah had to go into work a couple of times as one of the heads of the company was in town and he had to do a couple of presentations for them. He was planning to take a week or two off later this month. I decided I was going to venture out of the house as a mother of two for the first time. I wanted to get a couple of things for the new house.

' Mommy, I choose Awria's clothes. ' Maddie asked as she tugged on my sleeve. She had taken to the role of big sister seamlessly, Noah and I has both worried that she would be jealous. We had consciously made an effort to make a fuss of her every chance we got.

' Of course baby, you are such a great help for mommy. ' She took her time choosing out a pink baby grow with little white bunnies on it. I changed her diaper and let her help me dress Aria. I carefully loaded both of them into the car and we headed to the mall.

Thank god we had a double stroller, I don't know how I could of managed if Maddie has been running around while I was pushing Aria. I picked up some groceries, new clothes for the girls, a shirt that I knew would look incredible on Noah and a smoothie maker for the new house. Only the groceries were necessary but it felt nice to be out doing something normal for once. I was walking down the centre of the mall towards the car when something caught my eye. I stopped to look at the menu posted on the window of a fancy Italian restaurant when I saw it. There was Noah, sitting in a booth, gleaming with his signature smirk at the lady sitting opposite him. She was stunning, long blonde hair that framed her face perfectly. She wore a short black bodycon dress with a denim jacket draped over her shoulders and matched with some lace up heels. She was everything that I was not. I stood there in shock for a few minutes, trying to decide if Noah was on a date, when he saw me. I saw him apologise to the woman and pace out to me.

' Elle? I didn't expect to see you here ! '

' Yeah clearly.. ' I scoffed.

' Elle? What's up? Sorry I don't really have much time to talk right now. '

' Sorry, I didn't realise I was interrupting something. '

' Oh for gods sake Elle, this isn't what it looks like. I have to go. '

' Come on girls. ' I choked, trying to hide my tears as I turned the stroller and walked away. I could feel his eyes watching me. I fully expected him to run after me but he didn't and when I looked back, he was gone. I cried all the way to the car and continued to as I put the girls back in their seats. I couldn't feel worse about myself at this moment, I didn't feel beautiful like the woman in the restaurant. I felt heavy and gross, and I should be cutting myself some slack. I had a baby a week ago but I had never felt so alone. My dad had gone away on his annual golfing trip with his friends, Brad had gone to stay with my grandparents for a couple of days and June was far too busy with Lee and Oscar to help me. Now Noah too. I feel like Maddie is my only source of help anymore.

I turned onto a back road just as Aria started to cry again which made me burst into tears of frustration. Between the upset, noise and tears I could barely keep my eyes open. At some point I obviously fell asleep as that is where my memory goes blank.

The next thing I remember is waking up and being blinded by the sun shining in my eyes.

' Hi there m'aam. I'm Doctor Bates. Can you tell me how your feeling? ' This man's soft voice helped me to come round to where I was.

' Why am I lying on the road? ' I asked.

' You were in a car accident. ' He replied bluntly. Oh my god, the girls, where are the girls?

' MY KIDS WERE IN THE CAR. ' I screamed and struggled to sit up and I was attached to a stretcher.

' They're fine miss, they've been taken to the hospital for a once over but they're ok. Now I need you to relax. What is your name? '


' I can't do that Miss, we suspect you have had damage to your neck and arm. It's essential we keep you straight and still. '

' Please just let me see my kids, who is with them? ' I cried.

' Let me get your details so we can go and have someone be with them at the hospital. '

' Elle.. Elle Evans.. no wait, I mean Flynn.. Elle Flynn. ' I stuttered, totally confused by my own brain.

' Elle, did you hit your head in the crash? '

' I can't remember. '

' Elle how clear is your thought process right now? Tell me, who should I call? '

' My husband, his name is um, uh, it's.. it's.. oh Noah. Noah Flynn. '

'And his number? ' The doctor asked me suspiciously.

' Um, I'm sorry I can't remember. ' I sighed. ' My phone should be in my bag in the car.

' Ok great, I'll call him now. '

' Can you tell him to go to the girls. I'll be fine. '

I lay there, waiting to hear this guy talking to Noah. In the distance I could finally hear them talking.

' Yes Mr Flynn, both your girls are fine. I'll let the hospital know that you'll be with them shortly... Mr Flynn please calm down, we are doing everything we can. I will be bringing Elle to the hospital in the ambulance shortly, Mr Flynn I'm going to have to ask you to stop yelling down the phone, admittedly I'm slightly concerned about her brain so I intend to do an MRI as soon as possible. Yes Mr Flynn, I'll have the hospital call and give you updates as soon as there is any news. '

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