Chapter 1.

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The Night of the Party:
Pidge: For the last time Allura, I am not wearing that dress!

Allura was holding up a pink dress that looked like something an 80's princess would wear (Allura's main dress from the 80's show!).

Allura: Pidge, it's a special occasion... I know you're not the biggest fan of dresses at the moment but it's just one night.

Pidge: Except, Keith, Lance, Hunk and Shiro, all have outfits that match their Lions...

Allura: Ooh, that's your problem with this dress, I think I have the perfect one for you! If she wants to wear this dress I'll give it to Romell.

Allura put the pink one to the side and pulled out a green dress which Pidge gaped at.

Allura: How about this one?

Pidge: That one's perfect...
At the Party:
Keith walked out of the ship in his outfit as he looked up and smiled when he saw Pidge. She wore an emerald green dress with semi-see-through frills on the skirt in a type of leaf pattern. She wore a grape vine head dress while her short hair was the same, the dress was a tank-top dress with some green gloves that stopped when they reached her fingers. Keith blushed and smiled at her. She smiled back at him and held his hand when she walked next to him.

Pidge: Hi, you look nice.

Keith: Th-thanks, you look beautiful...

Pidge blushed and looked away.

Pidge: Thank you...

Pidge gently gave Keith a peck on the cheek.

Pidge: So, what are we doing?

Keith: I don't know, I think there's a forest we can check out. If you want to go there?

Pidge: Alright, let's ask if we can go there.

After Allura and Shiro gave their speeches Keith and Pidge danced for a little bit. After they hung out with Lance and Hunk for a while. And then Keith looked at this person standing near the forest, she saw them holding hands and that Keith was planning to propose to Pidge.

Keith: Hi, would you happen to know if we're allowed to look around that forest? Is it dangerous?

(Insert name here): Oh yes, it's not dangerous I promise. In fact, I believe that there is a pool that you can relax in, it's a natural one. But it is said to glow when displays of love occurs in the water, such as a kiss.

Pidge: Alright we'll check it out, thank you.

Keith and Pidge walked off, as the lady tilted her head and thought out loud.

(Insert name here): What was I reading about an extra effect the water has...? Especially on different species...?

The lady remembered part of it and bit her lip, she looked at Keith and Pidge and sighed.

(Insert name here): No turning back now...

Pidge and Keith walked into the forest, it looked like a type of forest from the Devonian period, (look it up if you don't know what it looked like) it looked very beautiful. Keith and Pidge stopped for a moment to look around when Keith held out his hand.

Keith: Care for another dance?

Pidge giggled and nodded. Pidge put a hand on Keith's shoulder and Keith put a hand on her waist and locked their free hands together. They swayed back and forth for a bit before the spun making both giggle. They continued to dance locking eyes and laughing several times. Eventually Pidge rested her head on Keith's chest as they eventually stopped dancing. They looked at each other and kissed each other on the lips.

Keith: I love you...

Pidge: I love you too Keith...

Then they saw some kind of glow in the dark flowers, they followed them until they found that pool the lady was talking about.

Pidge: I know the lady said nothing about it being dangerous... but we're not their species, and I don't know if it'll be dangerous for us...

Keith: It's okay Pidge. I'll put my hand in and see if it's okay.

Keith hesitantly put his hand in the water and let it sit for five minutes. Nothing happened, it was just water.

Keith: Hey Pidge, it's just water.

Pidge looked at the water and took her shoes off.

Keith: Um, what are you doing?

Pidge: What? The lady said we could go in and relax.

Keith: Oh okay...

Pidge: You don't have to look if you don't want to, but I'll still be wearing my undergarments...

Keith: Alright.

Pidge gave him a curious look.

Pidge: You want to check it out too? I know we didn't bring swimsuits but the water looks nice.

Keith: I'm only fine with it if you're okay with it.

Pidge: Keith, we're dating... of course I'm fine with it.

Keith: Oh, okay...

Keith took off his outfit just like Pidge he still left his undergarments on as both got in the pool, luckily there weren't any sharp rocks, and the water was deep enough.

Pidge: Wow, the waters really nice. It's kind of like I'm taking a bath...

Keith: Yeah it is...

Pidge looked at Keith and gave him a peck on the cheek, the water started to glow a bit.

Pidge: Oh so that is real...

Keith: The glowing water?

Pidge nodded as she rested her arms on the side of the pool and looked at the stars and the planets rings. Keith and Pidge were next to each other looking at the sky. Keith and Pidge looked at each other before leaning in and gently kissing each other on the lips, the water glowed a second time. They broke the kiss as Pidge rested her head on Keith's chest and wrapped her arms around his back closing her eyes. Keith wrapped his arms around her and blushed forgetting that he was going to propose to Pidge.

Pidge: I love you...

Keith smiled and kissed the top of her head.

Keith: I love you too...

Pidge opened her eyes and looked at Keith.

Pidge: Hey Keith? Do you think we might get married later?

Keith looked at her.

Keith: That depends, do you want to?

Pidge: Yeah, but we might head back to Earth soon and, I don't know how my family or the team will react. I love you and I do want to marry you but I'm not sure if our current circumstances are going to support us taking that kind of step forward...

Keith smiled at her.

Keith: I love you too...

(A/N: Lemon scene in the next chapter)

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