Chapter 12.

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Everyone was silent for several moments.

Lance: Hey everyone... I missed you...

Almost everyone cried out in joy and ran up to Lance, the whole room ended up knocking him over.

Lance: G—guys be careful!

Veronica: Like we care about that! You're alive!

Lance kind of expecting the scolding he got next. A few of his siblings cursed him out in Spanish for scaring them.

Mrs McClain: Don't you dare scare us again like that young man you hear me?!

Lance nodded and spoke up quickly.

Lance: Yeah mama I hear you... I'm sorry for scaring all of you like that...

Romelle cut in, trying not to interrupt too much.

Romelle: Why didn't you tell us you were alive?! We were worried to the bloody universe that we thought you were dead!

Coran spoke next, shrugging and speaking almost casually.

Coran: Apparently he thought it was better if you just stayed separated...

Everyone looked between Lance and Coran waiting for a response. Lance bit his lip as he spoke up, suddenly getting a sick feeling in his stomach. Lance went pale as he recognized it.

Lance had been dealing with that for a while, and hadn't told his teammates thinking he'd burden them. Especially Matt.

He knew what was wrong with him, and it was part of the reason he was nervous about talking to his old team and family again. If they knew, they will just call him irresponsible all over again.

However, Lance had to speak.

Lance: I thought it wouldn't affect you... I thought the team would do better without me, and I thought you wanted me gone... I'll accept that I was wrong about that...

Romelle spoke up with either a sad or angry tone in her voice.

Romelle: Lance, of course it affected us, we didn't want you to leave, Pidge and Keith went out every night behind Shiro and Allura's backs to look for you for three months straight! We were all crying when we found your armor, heck! They even named their baby after you!

Lance looked surprised.

He had always appreciated the two for being so kind to him, but he didn't realize they cared about him so much! Especially enough to go behind Shiro and Allura's backs and risk getting into huge trouble just to try and find him.

Lance: They did? Wait, Pidge and Keith had a baby?!

Coran nodded, smiling a bit as he spoke up.

Coran: Just had him earlier today, according to them.

Lance was about to congratulate them, feeling elated also that they really cared for him so much they named their child after him.

However this was cut off by a fuming Allura.

Allura: What do you mean they went out behind our backs?! They could have risked us losing the war!

Romelle yelled back. This, Lance knew, was certainly a tone of rage. Hunk and Coran glared at Allura too, letting Romelle speak for all three of them.

Romelle: Well you didn't give the two of them any other options, yeah, they went out every night while you guys were asleep to try and find Lance for three months because you—!

Romelle remembered Lance's family was right there, so she cut herself off. Hunk and Coran calmed too.

Lance shipped Pidge and Keith hard, because they easily seemed to operate on the same wave length. They knew what the other was thinking based on pure body language, and it was easy for them to agree on something. This must have been no exception.

Hunk: Whatever, we'll talk about it later.

Lance shrugged.

Lance: Sure.

Romelle: Hold on... Lance? Is it just me, or are your eyes a different color...?

That was when everyone noticed the cheek marks and Lance's eyes. Allura gaped.

Allura: Y—You're Altean?! How?! I thought Coran, Romelle and I were the last ones?!

Lance shrugged.

Lance: I don't know either. But apparently there were several families of Alteans that fled the planet before it was destroyed?

Nobody saw a reason to doubt that explanation. It wasn't like every single Altean in the universe was quarantined to the planet when Zarkon destroyed it...

After getting hounded by questions Lance couldn't answer, he was finally able to get away from them and went to Matt and his room. Given his condition, the first thing Lance did was run to the bathroom to vomit.

Lance felt horrible for not telling Matt, but also like he'd be horrible for putting such a burden on his boyfriend. The others still had no idea they were together. Jordan, Alex, Isaac, Sierra, and Bethany knew, and only them.

Lance then remembered they still needed to tell everyone about the White Lion.

Lance: "Wait a minute... would Matt even want this in the future? Let alone now...?"

Lance started to panic.

Lance: "What about his parents?! Pidge! Keith?! I know that they were nice to me, but what if that changes when they find out about Matt and I?!"

Suddenly Lance was more worried. He was just starting to make things better with the others, and now, this. He didn't distrust Keith and Pidge, but he was worried about Pidge finding out that he'd slept with her older brother and got knocked up by him while he was gone.

There would be no swaying Allura and Shiro's opinions after this. After they found out what was happening with Lance. That he was sleeping with his teammate and being irresponsible. That he was so careless he got himself knocked up in the middle of a war.

What if they all abandoned him again...? What if his new team abandoned him? His family?! Matt?!

Lance started panicking harder. Causing the vomiting to get worse.

Lance: "I—I can't! I can't do this! Not now! What am I going to do?! I'm not ready!"

Matt came in, and saw Lance throwing up.

Matt: Lance? Is everything okay...?

Not to mention the age gap. Matt was five years older than him. Everyone would probably be really touchy about that.

Lance suddenly snapped, he had no idea why, maybe it was all the stress that came into his head so suddenly. But whatever it was, it was strong enough to cause a small outburst.

Lance: No! Everything is not okay! I got myself into an awful situation because I was irresponsible. And now I'll likely lose everyone I love!

Matt: Hey, who said they were going to abandon you?

Lance bit his lip.

Lace: N—nobody... but everyone abandoned me once, they can do it again... with what's happening, I'll become dead weight... exactly what the others thought of me as.

Matt pulled Lance close, and Lance forced down the lump in his throat that would make him vomit.

Matt: So? My sister and Keith seemed to miss you, I won't consider you dead weight no matter what. What's the problem? Is everything okay...?

Lance nodded, refusing to look his boyfriend in the eye.

Lance: I... do you remember when I went into heat...?

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