Chapter 7.

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The Next (Earth) Day:
Jordan: Guys? It looks like Sendak and his troops are going to Earth...

Lance/Matt: What?!

Alex took the screen out of Jordan's hands.

Alex: Unfortunately yes... it looks like they're following something... or someone...

Matt: Katie. We have to warn my sister! Warn the Garrison! Warn everybody! If Sendak is attacking Earth then we have to give everyone time to prepare for a fight!

Lance: As much as I don't want to see the team... he's right, not that we won't be helping... but they should be aware of what's going to happen...

Bethany: And, this is Sendak attacking a young planet that has technological advancements that are more than weak in comparison to what Sendak has. Especially with his new upgrades. They'll need all the help they can get, even Voltron could use extra help...

Lance frowned at hearing the name Voltron, Matt squeezed his hand. Sierra and Isaac nodded their heads in agreement, Alex glanced at Jordan.

Jordan: Let's go to Earth. Bring all of your armor and weapons!
Coran: Paladins we've arrived at Earth!

Hunk: Finally! I get to see my family again!

Keith looked down and Pidge hugged him.

Keith: Pidge?

Pidge: You have the baby and I Keith, and Shiro, and the team... don't feel bad...

Keith smiled and kissed her.

Keith: I love you... and I love our baby...

Pidge giggled.

Pidge: I love you both too...

Coran: Alright we'll be landing near the Garrison, be careful if they start shooting!

Pidge: Alright. "Seriously though... who are those guys who leave that weird symbol around...? What does it mean...?"

Allura: What was that Pidge?

Pidge: Oh nothing princess, just thinking...

Allura: Alright.

The group walked out of the ship and walked into the Garrison only to find each Paladin's family yelling at police officers to find them.

Colleen: K—Katie?!

Pidge: Mom! Dad!

Pidge's parents hugged her tightly, so tight it was starting to scare Pidge.

Pidge: M-mom I can't really-!

Colleen: Oh sorry... where have you been?!

Pidge: Um, up in space fighting a war...?

Pidge stepped back and grabbed Keith's hand, pulling him into the group.

Pidge: Mom dad, this is Keith. He's one of my teammates.

Pidge paused.

Pidge: And, we're getting married.

Pidge opened her eyes seeing her parents' shocked faces.

Shiro: Keith! Pidge! We have to meet everyone else in the conference room.

Pidge: Alright.

Keith and Pidge walked off with Pidge's family walking close behind. When they got into the room the two sat down together as Keith saw James glance at them. He looked at Pidge and quickly glanced away with a slight red shade on his cheeks. Keith looked at him suspiciously.

Commander Iverson: It's great to have all of you back in good health. I understand there was a war taking place while you were gone?

Shiro: Yes sir. But we took care of most of it, we're only pausing because the castle of the lions needs repair.

Commander Iverson: Of course, we'll begin repairs as soon as we can, but in the meantime you and the rest of your team can fill us in on what we've been missing out on.

Admiral Sanda: We will especially need your help in figuring out how to keep this planet safe from these 'Galra' people. Are you aware of any patterns? Or things that happen consistently before every Galra attack?

Keith: No... the first actual warning is seeing a ship or two, small-ish ones for the scouts. This is a tactic of theirs that allows them to map the terrain so they can use it to their advantage once the whole fleet arrives.

James: Nobody asked you...

Keith: What?

Commander Iverson: James.

James: You heard me, nobody asked you fucking rebel!

Keith: They asked for patterns, I was answering their question.

James rolled his eyes.

James: You know that being obedient now doesn't change all the trouble you caused before, right? It was still a good thing you were expelled. We didn't need pilots like that. And you suddenly acting like your such a great teammate won't change my mind.

Pidge: Nobody was asking you to go on a tangent like that. That was two years ago, are you seriously that petty?

James's expression wavered but his last statement pushed Keith off the edge.

James: Seriously, I mean it. You couldn't even get through high school without speeding off into space and taking our classmates with you! You are the definition of wreckless. Yeah, that was two years ago, but if he wasn't such a trouble maker, you would never have gotten rocketed off into space away from your families! And one of your pilots would still be alive!

Pidge and Keith both felt their blood boil. Did James seriously just use Lance's death as an argument against Keith?!

Keith: Word of advice, do not use somebody's death as an argument for something like this! Lance's death was not my, or Pidge's fault! He died because—

Allura: Keith! That's enough!

Keith glared at Allura, knowing why she shut him up, and he calmed down.

James: Really? That's what sets you off?! Come on! Quit pretending that you actually care about other people!

Commander Iverson: All of you quiet! James, I was asking for a response to a question, so I would heavily advise for you to watch. Your. Mouth.

James trembled slightly at Iverson's tone.

Commander Iverson: Anyway, Mr Kogane, thank you for the information.

Keith nodded, and didn't speak the rest of the meeting, holding Pidge's hand as she was still angry. Hunk and Coran were mad too. Hunk was used to James being a jerk, and Lance when he was alive, but using the death of his friend to throw dirt on his other friend was just cruel. Coran was in shock from how easy it was for James to say all of that.

Commander Iverson: Alright, it looks like we have all the information we need, Paladins, you're excused.

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