1. Intro

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Hunter's POV
"Well congratulations Hunter. See you in a few weeks for the first stop." "Okay thanks again Betsy" I replied hanging up the phone. Well it's that time of year again. Tour time! And me being me, I was more excited then ever. This time we were doing our first headlining tour, the Lets Be Crazy tour. Betsy had just got through telling me on the phone about how things are going to be much more hectic and crazy (no pun intended) this time around. This meant photographers, roadies, and the occasional body guard. But none the less I was exited.
Adalyn's POV
"Please dad I just need a little more money." He sighed, "Adalyn how much money am I gonna have to give you? If you can't take care of yourself over there then you need to come back to California." Tears filled my eyes as I kept my voice from shaking, "Daddy I swear. Just give me one more month and I'll prove to you I can take care of myself. And if I still can't find work then I'll move back. Please daddy that's all I'm asking for. Just one month." He let out a frustrated sigh, "Fine. One month Adalyn. That's it." A few minutes later I hung up and put my head in my hands. What was I gonna do? I was a photographer in Nashville who only had occasional jobs and failed to find a long term one on the side. I had no money and have been relying on my parents for the past 3 months. And as any parent would be, they were concerned and fed up with supporting me. I couldn't blame them but at this point. And now I had one month to prove myself. To prove that I could actually support my self. Well here comes the intense job searching.

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