14. Breakfast Episodes With The Parents

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~Hunter's POV~
Adalyn and I both jolt up from a long nights sleep when there's a loud banging on the door. "Room service!" We hear the boys yell in a sing song voice out side. Adalyn sits up and fixes her messy but adorable bed head while I go open the door. The guys piled into our hotel room holding bags with McDonalds breakfast in it. They start passing out the food to the boys by thier order, "Okay and we've got a coffee and mcmuffin for Hunter and two hash browns with a Carmel Frappe for Adalyn." They said handing us our usual breakfast. Everyone's starts talking and eating but when I turn to Adalyn she's looking at her phone wit hurt and anger. I crawl over to the bed she's sitting on but she doesn't notice me, or is ignoring me. "Adi? You alright?" I ask softly with out getting the boys attention. Her head shoots up although her eyes avoid mine, "Yeah why?" She replies innocently. "What's wrong Adi? Talk to me please because I know something's up." She let out a sigh and turned her phone toward me showing a text from someone named Jen saying "Hey heard you were back in Cali. Maybe we could catch up?" I gave her a confused look not understanding what the big deal was. "It's from one my ex best friends in high school. We were friends for 9 years until she finally ditched me." "Sooooo?" I asked still confused. "Hunt, she only wants to hang out with me because she knows I'm dating you. In high school she ditched me because I was a dumb and annoying." She explains gripping her phone tightly in her hands. "Hey guys were gonna get ready and we'll meet up later for sound check." I announce to the boys who all leave the room as gleefully as they entered. I walked back to Adalyn amd set her in my lap. Her head rested on my chest and she let out a deep sigh. "Ya know, when I left for Tennessee I didn't ever plan on coming back here. At least not for a long time. I thought I could just run and leave it all behind but I guess that's not working out too well." As soon as she had finished her sentence it all clicked. Everything made sense but now wasn't the time to tell her. We had to get ready to visit her parents and I didn't need her to be freaking out.
~Adalyn's POV~
We pulled into the drive way of my child hood home and my hands shook with nervousness. Hunter took my hand as we walked to the door. My mom opened up the door and tackled me in a hug with my sisters doing the same afterwards. We exchanged 'hello's and 'I missed you's until I looked down to see my best friend that was my nephew. I bent down to his short height and hugged him tightly, "Hey bud. I missed you so much! Did you miss me?" I asked the 3 year old. He shook him head no jokingly and I ruffled his hair in return before standing back up. We walked inside where my dad was just getting up from his chair and I hugged him too. After that had cleared a bit I took a huge breath and begun "Guys I want you to meet my boyfriend Hunter, Hunter Hayes" I said taking his hand and smiling up at him. He shook hands with my mom and sisters and my dad just stared at him skeptically. Here we goooo. Hunter and I took a seat on the couch and patiently waited while my mom was cooking lunch for all of us. After we ate my dad started taking to Hunter about his career and his family and me. Hunter excused him self to the restroom giving me a chance to talk to my dad. "So? Do you like him?" I asked hoping he would. "No. Honestly Adalyn you could find someone better then that. He's a musician with no fall back plan. Where's that gonna lead you?" My dad answered bluntly. I'd like to say his answer took me by surprise but I didn't. What did surprise me was my quick defense of Hunters side. "I'm sorry? I don't understand how I can do better. Where can I find a guy that's a complete gentlemen to me all the time and actually has goals in his life. It's not like he's Oliver or Ben." I fired back. Oliver and Ben were both my sisters boyfriends and they were terrible, no respect for women or themselves and they didn't even have jobs so hunter doesn't even have competition here! "I just don't think he's worth your time Adalyn." He said simply. "You seriously have a problem with this? I don't understand but I guess whatever makes you happy Dad" I replied bitterly. When I turned to walk out I saw Hunter standing at the end of the hallway with hurt and shock mixed in his eyes. I looked at him, tears threatening to spill at any second, and I ran out the door. I ran to the rental and started driving, each turn and stoplight memorized. I pulled up to the cemetery and stumbled to his grave. I plopped down on the grass and cried until it started happening again. I looked up but instead of seeing my usual surroundings, I started getting the flashbacks again.
There I was, 12 years old. My short legs ran as fast as possible into his small apartment smiling and laughing. "Grandpa there was a squirrel out side! And then a car dove by and scared it but the his face was priceless!" I exclaimed through giggles. Smiling, he picked up the nutcracker and broke open a nut "Here. Throw these out to them"
Now I was 14. I was in my room getting a phone call from someone. "Ohh. You have to do something with your mom? Okay. Well maybe next time" I said before hanging up the phone and resting it in my lap. My head hung low and I knew what just went down. It was the third rain check in a row. I looked back at the younger me who was on the Internet and saw a picture from that day of my friend and my other friend hanging out. Her mom wasn't her rain check. I had been ditched.
I was 16. My mom finished up our late dinner at 9:30. My books scattered around the small table "Mom? When is Bianca coming home?" I asked her. My mom just shrugged, "I don't know. She said shed be home an hour ago but she probably stopped at Stuipds house." My mom replied referring to my sisters boyfriend.
~Hunter's POV~
I started running in the direction Adi drove off to. Her mom said she was headed toward the cemetery. I grabbed the phone and called the guys who quickly came and drove me the rest of the way to the cemetery before leaving again. I saw her sitting there on the floor by a flat stone. She wasn't moving, just sitting there and I new she was having another episode. I ran over to her and shook her hoping to stop it. I called her name and waved my hands in front of her face but still nothing. An idea popped into my head so I reached down and kissed her lips. She pulled back still shocked from what just happened. My arms instinctively wrapped tightly around her for a brief moment until she pushed me back. "God Adalyn you had me so scared." I whispered, "Adi you gotta tell me what's going on. Don't say it's nothing because I know it's something and this whatever it is, is getting worse. What are we gonna do when I can't snap you out of it next time?" She looked up at me and sighed, "No Hunter. I need to figure this out before you get involved. I can't tell you yet. I'm sorry." "Then I'll tell you." I said stepping closer her to her. "You have so many heartbreaks and memories here and all your life you were looking for a knight in shining armor to save you. Why do you think all the episodes started when I came around? Adi I'm that guy. I'm supposed to save you but you have to let me do that. Make mends with this town and put it in your past. That's the only way i can help you." "No hunter it's not that easy. My dad hates you for whatever reason that may be and after what happened with my sisters I can't keep dating you. This has got to end and maybe that's what these episodes were about. It needs to end hunter. I'm sorry." She said through tears that mixed with the constant down pour of rain. My eyes filled with tears that I fought to push back. "No A. Don't give up on me. Don't give up on us. We can fix this." She shook her head "I'm so sorry Hunter." She mumbled before giving me one last kiss. I climbed into the drivers side of the rental with her in the passenger seat as we started the silent drive back to the hotel.

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