7. Fake First Dates and Mystery Episode #3

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-Hunter's POV-
"Well then let's go" I said helping her out of the bunk. She flattened out the wrinkles on her shirt with her hand and when they returned to her side I got a good look at her. Her hair was in waves and she had a black and grey stripped jacket with a black shirt. She wore black Uggs over her white skinny jeans and had a silver necklace to compliment it all. To say the least, she looked beautiful. "You look beaut- I uh- um I mean you look very nice" I corrected quickly. "Thanks" she said, giggling at my nervousness. We walked out of the bus yelling goodbye to guys on our way out.

~Adalyn's POV~
He walked to the passenger door and opened it up for me. Once I climbed inside he shut the door and walked around to the drivers side, allowing me to see his "date night" attire. He wore a grey shirt with black pants, converse and a jean jacket to top it off. "So where are we headed to?" I asked starting conversation. We pulled out of the parking lot where the buses were parked and headed down the road. "Well first we are gonna go get some dinner and after that is up to you to decide." He replied smiling. There was a comfortable silence between us the rest of the drive until we had arrived at a local restaurant. He came around and opened the door for me again before escorting us inside. We ordered our food to a sassy waitress who obviously didn't want to be working right now. Once she walked away Hunter have me a worried look. "Don't worry. She's probably just having a bad day that's all" I said referring to the sassy waitress. A few minutes later she arrived with our food. As I bit into it I realized it was already cold and it didn't taste very good either. I looked up at Hunter to notice him poking at his food too, causing a laugh to escape from my lips. "This is terrible" he said laughing but still disgusted. I nodded my head in agreement. "How about we just go?" He said before standing up. He left five bucks on the table and we headed out. "So now where?" I asked him. He looked around before turning back to me, "There's a park down the street. Wanna walk?" I nodded my head and we headed toward the park.

~Hunter's POV~
As we were walking through the park just talking we noticed a creepy looking man following us. I leaned over to Adalyn and put my arm over shoulder causing her to tense up with surprise. I leaned down and whispered in her ear "Just go with it for a sec please?" I said motioning to my arm before continuing, "Don't freak out but there's a creepy man and I think he's following us. We should head back." She nodded her head and we started to head back to the restaurant where the truck was parked. Once Adalyn and I had gotten closer to the truck the creeper guy gave up and walked somewhere else. "Well that wasn't scary at all" Adalyn said sarcastically. We both climed into the truck and tried to start it. After two tries it still wouldn't start. I looked down at the dash board and saw the gas tank on empty. Adalyn looked over at me, "You didn't seriously forget to get gas did you?" She asked cautiously. "No. The tank was full when we left. There's no way it's empty already." I said with anger in my voice before she climbed out of the truck. 'Great she's probably leaving' I thought to myself. 'Way to screw everything up Hunter'

~Adalyn's POV~
I climbed out of the truck and walked to the gas tank to see it was busted open. I walked back to the passenger seat and looked over at Hunter who was practical beating himself up in anger. "Someone stole your gas while we were walking. They used to do that stuff all the time where I grew up." I told him calmly, "Good news is there's a gas station down the street so we can walk over and get some." I continued. He climbed out of the truck still irritated and kicked the tire as his hands were balled tightly into fists. As we started walking I looked over to him "Hey Hunter." I said kind of quietly. He didn't answer so I continued, "Knock knock" I said causing him to pick up his head and give me a look like 'you're kidding me right?' I repeated the question again. "Who's there?" He answered skeptically. "Alaska." "Alaska who?" He asked still angry. "I'll ask ya later." I finished. He looked up at me trying to hide the smile growing on his face. "Seriously?" He asked letting a small chuckle escaped his lips. I nodded my head, "yup. Corny jokes never fail to make someone laugh." I said laughing a little too.

~Hunters POV~
After we finally got gas and got back to the buses it was pretty late. I opened the passenger door for Adalyn and we walked to the bus door. She was about to open the door when I called her name causing her turn around towards me. "Listen Adalyn. I'm really sorry about how tonight turned out. I know it wasn't technically a date but I still feel bad." I apologized. She walked down the bus steps so she was in front of me. "Don't worry about it Hunter. Some times stuff doesn't always go as planned but hey, that's what makes great memories." She said softly. We starred in to each others eyes getting lost as I started to lean in. Our lips were close to touching when her body tensed up. I looked into her eyes and saw the far away look had returned yet again. She stood there completely frozen for about 10 seconds before I finally spoke up, "Adalyn." I whispered, gently placing my hand on her shoulder. She jumped a little before quickly looking back to me. "Adalyn?" She looked at me worriedly, "I'm really sorry Hunter. Thank you for tonight but I- I uh - I um should really get some sleep. Good night." She said quickly before heading into the bus. I stood there in shock before heading inside too. It's been a long day.

{hey guys. Just wanted to apologize for the long wait. I've decided to post my hunna imagines on here too because if I'm not writing one I'm writing the other. So feel free to check it out :) thanks guys.}

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