8. Ten Question Review for a Second Chance

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~Adalyn's POV~
I was sitting on the couch in the bus working on the pictures from last nights show when the guys came in. "Hey we're gonna go get some food before sound check. You wanna come?" Devo asked grabbing his coat from the arm rest beside me. "Um I'll pass. But thanks." I declined politely. "Alright well Hunter's staying too. He's working on a song right now so he isn't coming out anytime soon." Devo said as they all walked out the bus. Matt popped his head back in the door, "Have fun while we're gone. But not too much fun." He said wiggling his eyebrows. I grabbed the nearest couch pillow and threw it as him barely missing. 'Those boys are crazy' I thought to myself.

-1 hour later-
I finished up my work and decide to make a sandwich. As I finished making mine I heard strumming from the other room. I picked up all the sandwich stuff and began to make another one.

~Hunter's POV~
I slammed my pencil against the notebook in frustration. I couldn't get these lyrics right and the melody was off. I strummed some random cords until I heard a knock on the door making me jump. Didn't know there was anyone else on the bus "Come in" I called to whoever it was. The door opened to reveal Adalyn with two plates and two bottles of water. "I figured you could use a brake and get some food in you." She said handing the plate and water too me. She sat down in the swivel chair across from me and smiled, "Hope you like ham turkey cheese pickles lettuce tomatoes oh and theres also my secret ingredient." "It's not spit is it?" I ask smirking. "I don't know. Try it and find out" she fired back playfully. I did as told and bit into the sandwich. "Oh my gosh Adalyn. This is delicious" I said through a mouth full of food. She bit into hers trying to hide her blushing cheeks. "Thanks. I used to make them for my dad all the time back home." Her face fell a little and you could see a flicker of sadness in her eyes. "Do you miss home?" I asked her carefully. She was quick to answer back, "No. Well I miss my family yeah but I didn't really leave off on a good note. California is just kind of a sucky place to be believe it or not" I could tell there was a lot more to her story then just that but I didn't want to push to much on it. "Okay I've got an idea. How about we play 10 questions? You know just simple 'get to know you better' questions." I suggested. "Isn't it 20 questions?" She asked letting a small laugh escape her lips. "The guys should be back soon and let's face it, they'll be freaking out over the fact we're sitting the same room alone." I replied knowing the guys better then the back of my hand. "Good point. So lets play." She replies setting our now empty plates to the side. "Okay first question. What your full name?" I asked.
"Adalyn Jay Heden. I know it's very 'exotic'" "It's a beautiful name." She looked down at her lap and cleared her thought awkwardly "You?" She said taking the attention off her. "Hunter Easton Hayes. Okay second question: birthplace?" "California but not by the beaches or anything" she added quickly. "Louisiana but I'm not a Saints fan. Not really into sports I should say" I replied causing us both to laugh. 8 questions later we were both laughing our heads off. "Okay last question. Make it
worth it." Adalyn said still laughing. I thought for a second but apparently that wasn't long enough because the words came flying out of my mouth, "Will you go on another date with me?" Her laughing stopped as she looked at me I began talking again, having no control over my mouth, "I mean like to make up for the last one but an actual date this time. I mean only if you want too. You really don't have to-" "I wouldn't mind that" she said cutting me off. The smile on her face caused me to smile too. "WE'RE BACK! Just a heads up in case you need to put some clothes back on or something" the guys yelled busting in the bus and causing us both to jump. "I should probably head in there." Adalyn said giving me an apologetic smile. "And don't think I'll forget about that date mister." she teased quietly. I nodded my head as she headed to greet the boys. I sat back down with my guitar and the lyrics began to flow perfectly. I've found my new muse.

~Adalyn's POV~
I walked into the front of the bus laughing at the sight. The guys were having a pillow fight in the main part of the bus. I pulled out my phone to take a picture when a pillow came flying and hit me in the face. My mouth dropped in shock as all the boys froze in place watching me. "Who threw this?!" I asked sternly, holding up the pillow. They all pointed at Matt, "He did it!" Matt held out his hands "Guilty." "Oh well in that case," I said before charging at him and beating him with the pillow. The guys all jumped in too and it was an all out war. At least till hunter walked in and cleared his throat awkwardly causing us all to freeze in place again. A pillow went flying at Steve but he ducked sending the pillow into Hunter's face. "Well if you children will excuse me I have sound check to do." He said placing the pillow on the table next to him. We all breathed a sigh of relief when he started laughing. "But seriously guys. We've got sound check like right now." And with that everyone grabbed their stuff (me grabbing my camera stuff of course) and headed out for soundcheck.

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