2. Second Chances

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Adalyn's POV

Well it's been about two weeks and after some intense job searching I had yet to find a job. So now I was in the middle of a long overdue run around the block. I was jamming out to my country music playlist when it was interrupted by an incoming call. I slowed down to a walk and answered, still breathing heavily, "Hello?" "Hello this is Betsy (whatever her last name is). Hunter Hayes' manager. Am I um interrupting something." She asked awkwardly. I was confused at first as to what she was talking about until I realized what she thought I was in the middle of doing, specifically with another person, "Oh my gosh. No no. I'm not- no I'm- I just finished running. I'm not ya know." I finished with an awkward chuckle. "Oh my apologies. Anyways, I heard you were a photographer?" She asked. "Yeah.... Why?" I said dredging out the last part. Betsy's perky business voice spoke up again, "Well as you may know Mr. Hayes is going on tour in a week and we need an on-road photographer. We've seen a quite a bit of your work and we were wondering if you would be interested in coming along with us. We know its short notice but we would be glad for you to join our touring staff." My jaw dropped to floor and I almost forgot to answer. "Oh my gosh. Yes of course." I said trying to keep my voice professional. "Wonderful! Well if you'll come down to the studio tomorrow we can discuss your salary and the other little details." "Of course. I'll see you there. Thank you much for this opportunity." I finished the phone call and walked into my house headed straight for a shower. I took a deep breath and felt my body relax. I feel like for the first time since I came here I can finally breath. Things are lookin up.

~Hunters POV~

I was sitting at home just messing with some cords on my guitar when my phone popped up with a call from Betsy. I set my guitar down and picked up the phone "Hello?" Her perky business voice rang through the speakers, "Hunter! Hey I just wanted to let you know we found your on-road photographer and she's coming down to the studio tomorrow to sign some things and all that stuff." "That's awesome okay thank you Betsy." I said excitement filling my voice. "Just doing my job," she laughed before continuing, "I'll call you with any other updates. Have a good rest of the day Bye" I hung up the phone and did a little happy dance. This tour is coming together so perfectly. I had a good feeling about this run.

The next day

~Adalyn's POV~

"Yup! I'll be living on one of the busses and traveling with them for 2 months. They'll worry about the food and stuff. So basically all I have to do is photograph the shows and events we go to." I explained to my dad proudly over the phone. "And who is it that's headlining this tour again?" My dad asked skeptically. "Uh a country artist, thank goodness might I add. I think they said his name is Hunter Hayes. I didn't pay much attention." He sighed, "I have to admit Adalyn, I'm proud you got your act together. Be careful okay?" Of course my dads always less loving more protective. "Yes daddy. I'll be carful. I always am. There's a few stops in California so I'll see if I can come by" "Okay well I'll let you get to packing. Oh and your mom says hi." Just as he says that I hear my mom yell hello in the background making me laugh. "Tell her I said hi too. Talk to you later. Love you dad" I hung up an set my phone on my bed. Guess I better get to packing.

Our Struggles (a hunter hayes fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now