20. Last Night For Future Tradition

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~hunters POV~
Tonight was the last night of the tour and I honestly didn't know how to feel. Excited? Happy? Sad? Worried? Nervous? All these emotions were running through me I didn't even notice the guys start playing the next song during sound check. About 8 beats in Sam notices and stops the guys before coming over to me. "You alright dude?" I nod my head still staring in the same spot I was two minutes ago. "You sure about that? You've been staring at the poor chair for the past half hour." I shake my head and look up at Sam who's watching me with concern, "Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about tonight." I respond absentmindedly. "Well wh-" "Lets take it from the top of Crazy? Sound good?" I say cutting him off and ending the conversation.

~Adalyn's POV~
"Are you kidding me?" I let out a sigh of frustration, running my fingers through my hair. I've been trying to finish the photos from last nights show but I haven't been able to focus. First the pictures wouldn't load, then I couldn't get the lighting right and finally once I figured it all out I forgot to save it. Needless to say I've been going nuts all day because my brain feels like not existing.
I decided to leave the tiny work room in the back of the bus and get some air... or maybe food. I could really go for a sandwich right now. As soon as I pulled out all the stuff, the guys came barreling in the bus fresh from sound check. They all stopped the second they saw me and the contents on the table. Oh boy. "Okay I know you all want one but-" Before I could finish my directions the boys were all climbing over each other trying to get to me first. Eventually I got the boys settled down and their sandwiches made. We all gathered in the front of the bus like we usually do before shows and just enjoyed each others company. "Adi promise me you'll come over and show Steph how to make amazing sandwiches please" Matt begged as he scarfed down his food. "Sure thing dude." "Can you just come to my house during lunch? I think I'll go into depression with out your food." Steve piped up. I smiled at them and nodded in reassurance but I couldn't shake the weird looks Hunter has been giving me since they came back from sound check. I wonder if he's thinking the same thing I've been all day.
-later on-
The show went by fantastically. The energy from the crowd was phenomenal. I was really sad the tour was over and I wasn't even a performer. After the show all the boys gathered in the dressing room in the arena. We all cracked open cans of Pepsi and toasted to the IWC tour. Once I everyone had calmed down some, Hunter came over and intertwined his fingers with mine, "Can we talk please?" He said avoiding my eyes. I squeaked out a "Sure." in response. He pulled me up from my chair "Come on." I picked up my soda and followed him. I didn't know where we were going which only added to the nervousness that grew inside me with each step we took. We walked in silence, making a few turns here and there. He finally led us both to a row of seats in the middle of the arena. We both sat down in awkward silence just watching the crew strike the stage. He stayed silent and as I played with the rim of my soda can, I wondered what he was thinking about. Before my mind could wander any longer he spoke up. "You know I always question what would've happened if I never got a record deal. Sometimes if I never got into music at all." He paused leaving me not sure of what to say. "I would've never met all these artists or my band... Or you." He continued softly. I felt my face get warm. "Now that the tour is over, I'm not sure where that leaves us but I know that I love you and I don't want to let you go." "So what are you saying?" I asked quietly, not sure where he was going with this. He takes a deep breath and pushes a piece of hair behind my ear, "I want you to move in with me."
~Hunter's POV~
She sat in silence, eyebrows furrowed. "Please say something love." I pleaded softly. "Hunt I-I- of course I will. I would love to." I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and tackled her in a huge hug. "Is that why you've been so off today?" She asked pulling away from the hug. "Was it that obvious?" I asked laughing before leaning in and kissing her passionately. "Have you been drinking Pepsi?" I asked with a smirk. "You're a dork hunt." She replied playfully hitting me in the chest. "Come on. Lets go home" I said smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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