Team Building?? [XI]

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"You're telling me we're supposed to spend the entire day doing team building exercises designed by the social justice class?" Jihee spoke in genuine disbelief, resting her arm on the table while Youngjae scoffed.

"Yes and I'm leading a team for one of my business classes." 

"That's fucking hilarious."

"You're fucking obnoxious." 

"Hey that's mean." Jihee pouted and moved some hair from her face. "It should be fun."

"Yeah, totally." Youngjae rolled his eyes and closed his book quickly. "I need to go to the stupid meeting."

"Alright grumpy pants, I'll see you later." She smiled at him and he shortly sent a small smile back.

Once Youngjae reached the room enclosed in silence he glanced over all the faces and internally punched himself when he saw Jaebum sitting in a chair with his laptop on his lap lazily. 

He found himself sitting in a chair on the other side of the room until a couple preppy students walked into the room happily. They began talking about the different activities and Youngjae was paying attention until Jaebum messaged him.

Jaebummie: My team is gonna beat urs

Youngjae: Woah youre talking to me now?

Jaebummie: Still mad

Youngjae: Whiny baby

Jaebummie: Hope ur ready

Youngjae: fite me fucker

He looked up to see Jaebum paying close attention to the four people at the front of the room. His confusion overtook him but nonetheless he raised his hand to ask questions when necessary and got the box of shirts for his team.

"Need some help? I know sometimes the gay ones aren't the strongest." A guy said as he walked past Youngjae with a smug smirk.

"You'll see how strong I am with my foot goes up your dick you asshole." He muttered, picking up the box easily and walking out into the hall with Jaebum behind.

"What did he say?" Jaebum questioned, glaring daggers into the back of the guys head. 

"Nothing. Just asked if I needed help." 

"It seemed longer."

"Well that's what he said." Youngjae shook it off quickly and made his way down the hall quicker, running into Jinyoung who smiled and noticed the box.

"Team leader?"

"Hell ruler." Youngjae corrected, setting the box back down where Jinyoung was sitting and he panted a bit. "I hate this already."

"You'll be fine."

"Jaebum hyung is a leader."

"You're screwed." Jinyoung restated, biting his lip. "I feel bad for you kid."

"Help me." Youngjae pleaded, wiping under his eyes and sighing as Jinyoung patted his shoulder and walked off. 


"Is everybody ready??" A blonde haired student cheered, clapping her hands together as she stood in front of a couple groups. "We will commence the first activity in two minutes!"

Youngjae turned around to face his team and he bit his tongue. "So this is going to be a bit awkward but who's volunteering to do this round?"

A couple people raised their hands and Youngjae exhaled in relief.

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