Prologue: Still Not A Kpop Star

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My strawberry and charcoal hair splayed across the bedsheets as I hugged my Ryoma body pillow tightly. The sound of an alarm clock filled the room with its incessant yammering. I knew I had to turn it off quickly because soon my roommates would take notice, and that would not be good. Last time my alarm clock woke everyone else up, I got a fist up the ass and a mouth full of lube. It wasn't even flavored.

I lifted my head with a small yawn before moving to turn off the alarm on my phone. My hands reached into my Dora the Explorer themed hair in an attempt to smooth out any knots or rats that happened to be in there. I haven't showered in a week, so who knows what's in that thing. I began to get dressed, brush my teeth, overthrow the patriarchy, and brush my hair--a typical morning. Before I left my disease-ridden room, I turned to stare at my own reflection.

In front of my eyes was a 5'8" Korean girl, fresh from the Nike factories. I wasn't as tall as Jojo Siwa yet, another reason why my parents disowned me at the age of 12. My eyes were as black as an emo's eyeliner, and as dead inside as your average high schooler. Big glasses rested on the bridge of my nose, complimenting my Boss Baby look alike cheeks. I smiled at the reflection. Fucking ugly, glad nothing has changed.

With a deep-voiced chuckle, I opened the door to see multiple homosexuals staring back at me.

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