Chapter One Part Two: Orange is the New Bitch

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Things were already bad enough as is. First of all, I had somehow managed to get myself into one of the biggest and baddest prisons in the world, and second of all, I made the mistake of bending over in the shower. Just my luck.

The reason for my imprisonment isn't important right now, rather, who I met while locked away is.


I had heard rumors of someone named 'Ass' circulating around the cells. Apparently she was the head honcho, the one everybody feared. So far she had 35 deaths to her name, probably more. I never really understood the name. In fact, I thought it was quite silly. Seriously, who would willingly call themselves something as absurd as 'Ass'? Not me, that was for sure. I went by the name of "Big Booty Bitch," which was a lot more sophisticated.

Carrying on with the flashback, I had just gotten in the showers and was simply washing up when my soap fell from my hands. It wasn't much of a surprise that I did, after all, they called me 'Lube Fingers' in high school. Why, you may ask? Well, I had a habit of lubing up my fingers and sticking them up innocent bystander's asses. Girls will be girls, after all.

That was when I made one of the worst mistakes of my life. I bent down to pick it up.

As soon as I moved to retrieve my slippery companion, my thicc ass was struck with a foreign substance. I quickly snapped back up, turning around to see who was responsible for just an act.

What greeted me was a girl with long brown hair and glasses slightly similar to my own resting on the bridge of her nose. On her body, a strap on, as well as one of those infamous hentai jackets. Her tits were huge, but they looked quite uneven.
"Probably stuffs her bra..." I thought, looking her up and down.
Who even wears clothes in a shower?

"Aw, can't handle my magnum dong?" the girl teased, pushing me over with her admittedly large strap on.
I bit down on my lip as I slowly got up to face her once again.
"Aren't you like, 13? Didn't know the boss baby was into criminal shit."
"I'm 12 so shut the fuck up," she sneered, smacking me back down again.

I tried to stand up once again, but the pressure of a foot on my back was enough to keep me down. How I was able to be pushed around by a fetus was beyond me.

"Ah, you look like fresh meat. What're you in for, newbie?" she asked, leaning down to get a better look at my bare back, which had one of those temporary minion tattoos on it.

I stayed silent for a moment, only to receive another smack by the fellow prisoner above me.
"...I'm in for [censored]."
Yup, this is my flashback, so you ain't getting all the dirty details. Those will come at a... later chapter.

"Ooo, [censored] you say? I can respect that. They call me Ass here. but you can call me Aztrima."
She yanked me by my hair. almost causing my $100 weave to fly off. I guess the rumors really are true. Weaves get snatched in prison.
"What's your name, punk?"

I balanced myself before finally looking down to meet Aztrima's smug gaze. Although I had previously thought otherwise, coming from her, the nickname 'Ass' sounded pretty badass.
"They call me Big Booty Bitch, but you can call me Chibi," I replied, matching her grin with my own.

Aztrima promptly shoved something in my open hands. I looked down, finding that she had given me a strap on of my own. A true sign of friendship.
"Alright Big Booty Bitch, you better prepare your tits, because I'm about to squeeze them honkers dry."

And thus, a friendship was born.

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