Chapter One Part Four: L͏̷a̵̵s͢t͏́ ҉͝S̴̷t͡͏o͡p̸̕͠-̀͞H͏e̸̵ĺ͜͞l

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???'s POV

I dig my knife deeper into the skin of what lay in front of me. Heavy pants escape my parted lips. Man, I'm heating up at all this delicious gore and guts!

Speaking of guts, let's get back into the action, shall we? As I slide my knife through the flesh of my victim, their entrails fall onto the carpet with a sickening splat. The sound may make others squeamish or sick, but for me it just motivates me further.

They can't speak. Well, they could only somewhat speak when they were alive, so I guess it doesn't really matter. That just makes it more boring for me.

I run my tongue along their side, the metallic taste of blood collecting in my mouth as I bring the muscle back into my awaiting jaw.
"Ah, how sweet~"

I remember their face, pure shock and terror as I pried the door open with my bare hands. Pleas such as, 'I'll do anything!' and 'I have a significant other!' filled the room, soon to be silenced as I shoved my lovely blade down their throat. Wow, doesn't that just get your heart pumpin' and your body movin'? Just me? Damn, alright. Be that way.

I really can't help but indulge myself in such delicacies. These days, murder isn't a top priority for me. I'm hoping to change that. Hm? I hear the others coming. Guess I'll have to scram.

You may be wondering who I just bloodied up back there. What was their name? Ah, it shouldn't matter to me, and it shouldn't matter to you, either, but I guess I'll spill. He goes by the name of  'Flesh Thomas.' Ring a bell? Maybe? Ah well, I told you it shouldn't matter. Now that that's done and over with, I guess this is goodbye. Ciao~! See you in the next chapter, my pretties!

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