Chapter One Part Three: The Gays Get Their Revenge

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Moving back to the present, I was staring at Aztrima for what seemed to be a whole 651 words. However, during my trance, Nervos started the minion rebellion and Gramer banned seahorses from living because they were 'against God.'

"Hey Chibi, you done having your stroke yet? Xero had the great idea of burning down Gramer's church while he's there prayin' or whatever sinless people do," Aztrima called, waving one hand in front of my face as she did.

I shook my head, trying to get the image of a cock-wearing Aztrima out of my head before responding.
"Sure lmao."

And thus, we went to go piss off some Christians. Sorry, God.


The fire had caught quicker than I had first imagined. Damn, churches are just asking to be burned. Is this fanfic going to get reported and taken down because of this scene? Probably. But there's a point in life where you stop caring and start breaking shit.

On the topic of breaking shit, Gippley promptly shoved his foot through a window while yelling.

And as per law, everyone had to scream "Hoiya" back.

The building was pure chaos as our rein of terror unfolded upon the innocent victims known as *shivers* straight people. Kaitlyn was grinding on a statue of crucified Jesus while Nervos hit that whip and nae nae surrounded by millions of insects, which all seemed to be coming from pockets in his clothing. Mumble replaced bibles with dirty fanfics, during which Blush attempted to coax the choir into singing Despacito.

Seeing this destruction-more of the people responsible for said destruction-Gramer, who had been silently praying, began doing the default skin Fortnite dance in pure rage at the lot of us.
"What the FRICK are you guys doing??? Can't you see I'm trying to communicate with the lord?"

Xero took a sip from a bowl filled with holy water. Gotta cleanse your sins somehow.
"Why do you still try to communicate with Big G anyways? He ain't giving you that customized dildo, sweaty."

Gramer stomped one foot, his face red from rage and embarrassment.
"Ughhh I told you that I gave up on that already! I'm trying to get free Robux, thank you very much."

Taeko uwu-ed at his remark.
"Gramer-chan, you don't have to go to the lord for help! I already have a video on how to get free Robux 😍💯🔥2018 (no viruses 😱)"

"Darn, you right."
Gramer joined Gippley in the breaking of all the windows in the church.

Thus concluded our first raid on those of the heterosexual orientation. It would be the first battle of many.

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