Chapter 9 - Finally home

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~~~ Flitters house

Once they were in the transports, Ray leaned back and heaved a massive sigh, "Next time warn me please. I honestly was thinking of maybe a couple hundred people – not half the bloody city! You have no idea how close I was to bolting." He shuddered a bit at the memory of the door opening and facing the massive crowd. The sudden and shocking popularity had been entirely unexpected. Yes, he had known he was going to cause a stir, but the size of the crowd was completely outside his expectations.

Flitter simply held him and let him relax. Xavier and Misty were looking more than a bit shocked as well. Gentle was cuddling Xavier and they were talking quietly. Birdy and Breezy were talking with Misty and Birdy was saying something which was making Misty giggle. There were several transports for all the women who were now part of his pack and Flitter was pleased.

Vyra was looking at a flex screen of the property which was allocated to them. For that, Flitter felt bad since a number of people had been asked to move. Although they had all willingly moved, she still felt bad and hoped Ray wouldn't realize it until he had been there a while. The government had done everything they could to ensure the people who moved were in similar or better accommodations in a good part of the city.

It didn't take very long to reach her house and she gently nudged Ray, "We are here and I hope you like it. I have owned it for some time and made it comfortable for me. Once you have been here for a while, we can make some changes for what you would like as well." Flitter drew his attention to her house as they were coming in to land in front of it.

Ray sat up and looked where she was pointing and a fascinated smile crossed his face. The house was on a sizable piece of property. There was a low wall surrounding it, not to keep people out but to separate the properties. It appeared the wall was grown in place and had some tastefully done engravings. The plants inside were a slightly deeper green than on earth, but there were plenty of colorful flowers as well.

As the transport was coming down, he could see neat paths of what looked like gravel winding their way around the property. They led to a number of small nooks as well as several water features. The house itself was reasonably large but not massive. There were traces of an almost fairy tale design to it. There were some small spires and the best way he could describe the house was delicate. It definitely looked like something Flitter would live in and was lovely, "Much better than a glorified dog house, I must say." He had to tease her a bit.

For his teasing, she poked him in the side, "I'm having a human sized dog house built with a chain and I will get you a collar for the chain." Her ears were showing amusement though when she said it. Flitter could feel his appreciation of the building even though he was teasing her, "There is room for your siblings as well. Vyra is working with Spike to work out a good allocation of the other houses for the rest of the pack. It's temporary for a week or two and can be adjusted as needed."

Misty and Xavier were looking out a window as well and had rapt expressions on their faces. Misty loved the design of the building and property and said, "It is so you, Flitter. And when the dog house is done, make sure it has a comfortable people bed in it. I would hate for my brother to wake up and complain about body aches."

Xavier barely managed to muffle his snort of amusement at the teasing, "Bro, if you do end up in the dog house, I will make sure and bring you some good scraps of food. I won't let you starve or only have hard brown chunks to eat." When he said it, he tried to sound as sympathetic as possible.

Ray glowered at the two and decided it wasn't worth returning the teasing. Instead, after listening to Flitter, he looked over at what Vyra and Spike were examining.

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