Chapter 4 - Ray's parents are killed

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~~~ Misty starts to get to know Flitter

The next morning both eventually woke and climbed out of bed. Since they had bathed the night before they settled for giving their teeth a good brushing to get ready for the day. Ray settled for some well-worn jeans, boots, and a t-shirt. Flitter settled for something similar only she had on low-rise jeans and a short shirt which showed her stomach off.

Ray snickered at her, "I think you are wearing the outfit to distract me. From what, I'm not sure, but you are definitely trying to distract me." He was kissing her when there was a knock on the door and his sister called out.

"It sounds like you are alive in there. Can I come in and would you like your hair brushed, Flitter?" She poked her head into the room and grinned at her, "Nice shirt and I can definitely say you will distract him with your outfit." She came in and gave Flitter a good hug.

Ray frowned at her, "Hey, what about my hug, I think you forgot someone." When Flitter snickered at him he pretended to be offended, "Just for that I'm going to find Xavier and grumble about annoying females." He left the room in a pretend huff.

Flitter had to cover her mouth as she really tried not to snicker at his reaction, "Thank you for the compliment. This isn't something I would normally wear, but a friend picked it up for me." She turned a bit pink, "I have to admit Ray's expression when he saw me in it was rather nice." She settled down in a chair and handed her brush to Misty, "Here you go and thanks for the offer."

Misty grinned at her, "Well you look totally hot in the pants and shirt. Now all you need is a belly button piercing and it would be perfect."

Flitter knew what piercings were but had never heard of a belly button piercing. The thought of it made her wince slightly since it was probably painful, "I think I'll decline. I'm sure he likes my navel just the way it is."

Misty took the brush and started working on Flitter's hair. It was somewhat stiffer than she had expected but it was still very soft. There was an interesting, almost furry feel to it. For a moment she almost asked what hair products she used but decided not to. Misty had settled on a simple braid for Flitter.

"Thank you for doing my hair, Misty" Flitter said, "It's lovely. Well, the babies are claiming to be hungry so let's go see what's for breakfast." She stood and followed Misty out of the room.

~~~ Immunizations and old friends

Ray walked out of the room and towards the kitchen. He didn't need to wonder if there was coffee on since there was always a pot either brewing or already brewed. Since the pot was brewing, he ransacked the fridge and pulled out some eggs, the left over chili and some cheese. Just for good measure, he pulled out some fresh flower tortillas and set everything on the counter. A breakfast burrito with scrambled eggs, chili, and some hash browns sounded excellent.

As he was starting to cook the potatoes Xavier walked in and grinned, "If you wouldn't mind making a bit extra I would do your chores for a day. Oh wait; I already do it now..." He snickered as he grabbed a cup and dumped some sweetener and cream in it before filling the cup with coffee.

Ray growled at him, "Bro, you are supposed to wait until the pot is done or it isn't as strong for the rest of us. As far as the food and chores, I will make you do mine tomorrow as well." He had already tossed in several extra eggs and hash browns since he knew his siblings would want some, "Oh, Dad mentioned the vet coming out for a visit last night. I figure I will go and give her a hand and you and Misty can introduce Flitter to the horses. I doubt she will get really excited by the cows."

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