Looking up into your beautiful,green eyes
I can't help but smile,thinking about what a good person you once were
Everything changed that one day I came home
Seeing you throwing stuff around in a rage
I honestly dont know why you were mad
Foolishly trying to calm you down
I was met with a hard slap
To this day I dont know why your always so angry
But I do know one thing
You never once showed your son affection
It was only me,forever making him happy
Memories of you only bring him nightmares
Just like me
When Im on the verge of sleep
I see your large,muscular arms around my throat
I got used to it after awhile
Seeing all these awful flashbacks,about our relationship
Which went up in smoke
The day I found out you cheated

In Time
PoetryI decided to write my feelings in poems and I hope u guys enjoy.It covers a lot of topics,some of them are redundant and I hope you enjoy them nonetheless.Love you guys and I hope you continue supporting my works. Love,Kanae (^~^)