Longing 2

55 2 0

Why do you still want me,Seamus

What makes me so special from everyone else

Is it my personality and humor

I just want to know why you still want me

Can't even look at those pictures of us together anymore

I know you still have them,why?

I know your mother wants me back in your life as well but I dont want to

Hope she's alright

Looking at her tear streaked face,my heart shatters

If you still loved me you wouldn't have done the things you've done

If you still loved me you'd move on and leave me alone

I just don't know what to do about you anymore

Nothing I've tried helped,oh the despair I feel

At least your son and I are happier without you,please understand

Please dont show up at my school anymore,it worries me

At least you'll find peace,hopefully

Hugging Sunshine's small frame,I grab his hand and begin walking away only for you to get in my way

Why do you care about us,let alone your son now?

Can't allow you to hurt us anymore,we deserve better than that

We deserve to be happy without your constant appearences

Pushing past you I begin walking fast,eager to take Sunshine to the park to play

But most of all to try to make him forget about you "the stranger" in his eyes

He don't know you at all,quit trying to be in his life

You were never really needed,let alone there were you?

Just please stop bugging him,he dont love you

Why should he,if you never showed him any love

You were always busy getting drunk and partying

Your a damn disgrace to your own child

Grow the fuck up and than get back to us,will you?

Hopefully one day,you'll actually be a man

Just like your little brother,who is only a year older than I

Yet acts more like a man than you

Hope he finds that special guy one day,he deserves it

Move on and quit bugging your son,leave us the hell alone

Hope this is the last time I have to say this to you

Please forget about me,will you not do me that one final favor?


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