Everytime I close my eyes,Im surrounded by a field of purple roses
Petals fluttering in the breeze
Than I saw you
Your small frame running ahead of me,laughing
Enjoying my company
Caring about me as a person
Loving me for who I am
Not for what I pretend to be
And I in turn nurture and care for you with all my heart
Like any mother is supposed to
Love their child unconditionally
I will always love you,even while you are gone
Hope that one day we can meet up again
So we can pick up where we left off
Enjoying eachothers company
Living life,to the fullest
Thats what made my day worthwhile
Waking up and going to spend time with you
Instead of being in school
Like I was supposed to
But its not my fault
I raised you to be a,wonderful person
Just like me
Your kind,sweet,caring optimstic about life
I will continue to love you
No matter what my neighbors said
You'll always be mine
For now and forever

In Time
PoetryI decided to write my feelings in poems and I hope u guys enjoy.It covers a lot of topics,some of them are redundant and I hope you enjoy them nonetheless.Love you guys and I hope you continue supporting my works. Love,Kanae (^~^)