Totally (Un)Prepared

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The morning came around as Matt shook me awake. He was still softly shaking my shoulder as I finally grunted, making him aware of the fact that I was awake. I squinted my eyes in the darkness, looking at his window. It was still dark out, so I guessed it was around four in the morning.

"Good morning, baby." He whispered. I smiled up at him sleepily.

"Good morning." I smiled up at him and leaned up to peck his lips, "what time is it?" I ask.

"See for yourself." Matt gestured to his bedside table.

I looked over at his alarm clock, checking the time. 5:49 A.M. My guess was almost two hours off. Oh well, close enough for me.

"Why'd you wake me, baby?" I asked him softly as I sat up and he handed me my hoodie.

"My parents wake up at 6:00. You need to be gone by then. They'll come in here to wake me up after they get up. If your in my bed, it will be bad." He chuckled softly to himself.

"They know your gay, don't they?" I asked him. He seemed to grow distant and look down at his hands, tearing up.

"And they don't like it at all." He confirmed, sighing.

"Awe. It's okay, my love. If things get bad, you can come stay with me." I offer, smiling at him and he finally looks at me, a soft grin on his face.

"That sounds perfect." He sighs in contempt, "but right now you have to get out of here." He said, seeing the clock read 5:56.

"Okay. I love you." I said gently.

"I love you too, Nate." Matt encased me in a kiss, soft and passionate as his own lips made mine feel warm. He caressed my neck as he slipped his tongue into my mouth and I smiled into the feeling. I hummed in contempt happiness.

We pulled away from each other and his breath ghosted over my face as he caught his breath.

"Have a safe drive home." He said to me as he walked me over to his window, helping me out.

"Be safe in general." I returned.

He leaned to my arm and pressed his lips against the scabs before turning me out and shutting the window behind him.

I crawl down his house and begin the walk to my car. It wasn't a very long walk at all, seeing as my car was just down the street. The sun barely shone above the horizon of houses and trees as I climbed into my car, turning it on.

Finally, I realised something.

"It's Monday... We have school..." The time is now six and I have to be there at 7:30. I would never have enough time to get my morning routine done. "FUCK!"

I put my car in gear and began speeding to my house. I had to drive the ten to fifteen minutes to my house,  change clothes, make breakfast, fix my hair, brush my teeth, have coffee. All within the span of an hour.

Well, it seemed I had to book it like Trivago.


I arrived at school completely underprepared. I was wearing two of the same socks (something I only go for when I can't dig in the very back of my drawers to get two loose ones), my beanie was on half crooked, my hair was a mess, my outfit was messily thrown together, and my bag was tightly draped over my shoulders to the point I almost choked on the scent of my Axe and the heaviness crushed my collarbones. My legs were tired as I finally stepped into the main hall through the front doors. I was almost late. Thankfully, I got there right on time.

I hadn't realised it was a school night, so Matt was my place. He needed me. Though it was late, he needed me and that's what mattered. All I knew was that my baby boy sent out a distress call - a call I was grateful to answer. I couldn't stop thinking about last night. Another side effect of love, I'm guessing.

The late bell rang and I was suddenly eager to get to my math class. I dashed through the halls, unable to get Matt off my mind.

I felt ashamed as my mind flashed of how close we were, making my face hot. I could feel his breath on my neck and collarbones as he slept. I could feel the warmth of his skin tingling over my bare torso. His legs tangled between my own and the sheets. His arms tightened around me even in sleep. Though it was cuddling and nothing more, I really felt as though it were meant for something larger. Something more. And oh, God, how it thrilled me. It made me want to stick around longer, hold him a little tighter, kiss him a little harder, cuddle him a little closer. There was a large number of things i wanted to do to him - including the things that were too mature to say out loud. However, those things could wait.

I had to be patient.

I hauled myself off to class and as soon as I waltzed in, everyone began to stare at me. Well, might as well be fashionably late. I give my best strut and wink at a couple of my friends. They chuckled at me. I could hear Danny saying "smooth" under his breath. I smirk.

I hear the final bell ring. I sigh in relief.

I made it without a single problem.


School let out early due to storms that day. Go figure.

Matt, Mark, Ethan, Tyler, and I all made our way to our cars. We all agreed to meet up at my place.

My parents were gone for the week and why the hell not. Meet up, watch movies, play video games. I didn't have a man cave, but the living room was close enough.

"Matt, are you riding with me?" I asked him as we all got together in the parking lot.

"I think Nate means are you riding him?" Ethan teased, nudging him.

"Oh don't worry, Ethan. We know your past times." I defended Matt with a hellish smile before turning to him, "So are you riding with me?"

"Yeah. My dad had to use my car again. His is still in the shop." Matt told me, pulling open the door to my car and slinging his bag in the back.

"Really? No arguments over taking a bus?" I joked.

"Okay, I just didn't want to invade your personal space that day, sir." He defended.

I smirked and leaned in so only he could hear me and I nudged him, "Yeah, that's why we were in each other's space when we were making out on my couch that same night."

I could see a blush rising on his cheeks and couldn't help but let my smirk turn into a warm smile. I discreetly kissed his jaw and finally went back to the conversations.

No one had to know.

Hey guys. I'm really sorry that this was late. I know I promised every Monday, but with school being back in, I've been super busy. I am now a freshman in high school so that's a huge pain in my ass right now. I'm sorry if this book or my other book happens to be late every now and again.

Thanks for being patient.


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