Lay beside you

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Julian was waiting for his girlfriend of 7 months to come home. He was always so happy to see her beautiful face every night.
She was late that night,he continued to make dinner when his phone started to ring.
"Julian,I'm so sorry"
"I didn't see he had a gun I swear"
"Dylan what are
You talking about?"
"She got shot"
"I'm so sorry Julian"
"Where are you?"
"Waiting for an ambulance"
Pure horror set In as he dropped his phone and grabbed the car keys.

30 minuets later.....
He ran to the front desk of the hospital and was about to ask about Lizzie when the doors burst open.
"Female early thirties GSW to the chest she's NYPD,she's been Down 6 minuets" the paramedic yelled.
He looks over when he hears that the girl that was coming in was NYPD.
He knew it was Lizzie when Dylan came running in the same time as the paramedics did with Lizzie.
"LIZZIE" Julian yelled as he chased after the gurney.
"You the boyfriend?" The nurse asked him as they got Lizzie into a room and prepare her for surgery. 
"Yes I am is she going to be okay?"
"It's hard to tell"
The nurse whispered.
Tears sprang from his eyes and he held back a sob.
"Can I at least tell her I love her?" He asked.
"Can you say it as we move?"
They started moving and he took her hand and kissed it.
"Now you better make it out my love cause I don't know what I will do without you,I love you so much" he whispered just they made it to the surgery ward.
He was stopped by Dylan while he was walking.
"You can't go any further" he whispered.
"God Dylan what am I going to do if she dies"
"She's going to live I promise"
"I can't lose her"
"None of us can Julian"
"Let's go wait".

10 hours later....
"I'm getting impatient"
Julian says as he is sitting on the edge of his seat for the last 10 hours,waiting.

"I know you are you've been like that for the last 10 hours"
Just then the doctor came out. Julian was like a spring and he jumped up.
"Family of Elizabeth Needham"
"That's us"
" surgery was a success,she's a fighter,lost lots of blood but she'll be fine"
A Huge weight was lifted off both of their shoulders as they sighed.
"When can we see her?"
"she keeps asking for a Julian"
Julian laughed to himself,that's his girl for him.
"Is he here?"
"That's me" Julian said as he waited for the doctor to show him where she was.

They stopped at her room door as he walked into the room to see her sitting up waiting for him to come in.
"Hey you" she whispered,holding in a sob.
"Hey beautiful"he whispers as sits beside her,tears going down his cheek.
"I'm ok" she whispered as she grabs his hand.
"I know"he laughed.
"Don't worry I'll be just fine soon"
"How did you find out?"
"Who do you think?"
"Dylan....I told him not to call you"
"He did the right thing Liz"
"I didn't want you to worry"
"I would've anyway"
There was a moment of silence as both take a sigh.
But Lizzie takes a gasp and another,her grip she had on his hand was gone. The monitors went crazy,alarms were going off.
"Lizzie,Lizzie wake up baby"
Nurses ran into her room and they started CPR. He felt like it was 10 hours earlier all over again.
He stepped back and watched as Dylan ran in the room when he heard the monitors.
"Come on let's get you out of here"
Dylan said as they walked out to the waiting room.
"I'm not leaving her not again"
"You shouldn't be here"
"I'm staying right here"
Dylan stayed beside him as they waited.
The nurse who was still doing CPR.

24 minuets later....
"She's been down for 24 minuets Doc,what do you want to do?" A nurse asked
Julian looked at him as if to tell him to keep going.
"Shock her"
"Shock her"
"She's has surgery sir,are you sure it's safe?"
"Yes I'm sure"
The nurse took the crash cart and gave the doctor the paddles.
"300 jewels"
The doctor yelled as the nurses backed away.
She didn't move. Nothing changed.
"Shocking again"
This time the monitors had a rhythm.
"She's alive" the doctor sighed.
Julian was so happy,she was okay.
"Julian?" He heard a husky voice say.
"Lizzie?" Julian said as he pushed himself off the wall.
"What happened?"
"Your heart stopped Lizzie"
"Am I going to live?"
"Of course you are my love"
"Dylan's here" he whispered.
She looks over to see him looking at her and smiling.
"I'm okay Dylan just seeing if you'd freak out" she smiled and giggled at little making her put her hand on her gunshot wound.
"Don't laugh Lizzie"
"I won't,as long as you do nothing silly"
" I won't I promise"
" I love you Julian"
" I love you too my love".

Julian and Lizzie:one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now