Just in time

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"Ugggh liz it's late"
Dylan yelled as he left jasmine's office.
"Why are you telling me to relax"
"Because it makes me stressed"
Lizzie sat at her desk,she looks over to the picture of her and Julian.
They were smiling at each other,lost in each other's eyes.
Lizzie felt a tear go down her cheek.
"Hey Liz is everything okay?"
"Oh..umm...yep everything's okay" she stuttered as she tucked a piece of her freshly cut hair behind her ear.
Dylan remembered right away.
This time,she couldn't take it. Lizzie let out a sob and then another.
"Hey I know it's been hard"
"Why did he have to go undercover Dylan, it's been 9 months and....I don't have much time left"
Lizzie cried as she puts her hand on her swollen belly.

"Oh Lizzie,he's going to
make it in time before this little one is born I promise"

"How do you know" she asked as she rubbed her belly.
"I know him,he wouldn't miss it for the world"
"Yeah,he was on a mission when me and Andy got married and he was there"
"That gives me and this little one a huge weight lifted off"
Dylan smiled as Lizzie laughed and wiped away a tear.
"What are you laughing at?"
"This little ones kicking a lot"
Lizzie smiled.
"Do you know what it is?"
"No I didn't want to know if Julian wasn't there"
She smiled.
"Oh lord jasmine must have been pissed"
Dylan laughed
"She was" Lizzie laughed.
"Thank you Dylan"
"For what?"
"For being here for me since Julian left,and also helping me when I found out I was pregnant"
"Oh Lizzie I would do that for anyone"
"I want you and Andy to be the baby's godfathers" she smiled.
"Oh Lizzie of course we will" Dylan said as he hugged her.

2 days later.....
"Uggh I'm so big" Lizzie grumbled as she rubbed her swollen belly.
"This little one will be here soon" Dylan laughed
"I'm 5 days,21 hours,16 minuets and 40 seconds past my due date Dylan"
"It's not like anyone was timing it"
"I need water" Lizzie sighed as she got up.
Suddenly a shock went through Lizzie's belly as she grabbed her desk.
"Lizzie are you okay?" Dylan asked
"Yeah just a really strong kick that's all" she whispered    
"Hello my love" a voice said.
"Lizzie looked up and smiled. Emotions took her over as she waddled over to him.
"Julian you're ho...OW OW" she yelled.
"Lizzie?!?!" Julian yelled as he ran over to her.
"Hi baby it's just a strong kick it's okay" she whispered as she gripped his arms.
"You're wearing a dress Lizzie" Julian laughed.

"None of my dress pants fit me anymore so this is all I have" she laughed.
Just then, another wave of pain hit her,this wasn't strong kicks anymore.
"I think I just had a contraction" Lizzie laughed.
"Lizzie it could just be a Braxton hick contraction" Dylan said.
"SHUT UP DYLAN" Lizzie yelled.
"Okay babe maybe we should wait" Julian said
"I agree,I'll keep working"Lizzie said as she sat down.
Julian sat beside her and held her hand,if she had another contraction she would squeeze his hand.

10 minuets later,Lizzie had another contraction.
Julian...Julian....JULIAN" Lizzie yelled as she gripped his hand tighter then he expected.
"What what is it?" He asked now fully alert.
"I think my water just Broke" she whispered really fast.
"It's time Julian"
"Yes I swear to god,my water just broke" she said through her teeth.
"Your water just broke didn't it?" Dylan smiled as he looked at the both of them.
"Alright yes it did and I'd get the car if you don't want a baby to be born in the precinct" she said as she got up
"Here we go this is it!!" Julian yelled as he grabbed her bag.
"Baby things and hospital bag are in the car,we're ready to go now!" Lizzie yelled as a contraction hit her.

36 hours of labor later..
"GAHHHH" Lizzie yelled as she finished pushing.
"Keep breathing baby,it's almost over,our baby is almost here" Julian whispered as he held her hand.
"You've got This Lizzie I believe in you" Dylan said as he held Lizzie's other hand.
"I can't do this anymore,let's do it tomorrow" she whimpered.
"Yes you can,now push" he said she sat herself up and started to push.
"Stop pushing" the doctor said as she Laid back.
"What's going on?" Dylan asked.
"She's pushing too hard" the doctor said.
"Lizzie you can push but not so hard okay,you're going to make yourself bleed" Dylan said as she nodded her head.
"Okay this is your last push" the doctor said.
"Thank god" she sighed.
"Are you ready?"
"Hell yeah i am" she said.
She starts pushing and Julian's there and so is Dylan.
She stops pushing and falls back and breaths,she closes her eyes and waits..she hears a cry and then more crying and then the baby starts crying.

"Oh my god" she laughs
"Congratulations detective, you have a healthy baby boy with a good set of lungs" the doctor laughed.
Lizzie looked at Julian and smiled as the doctor handed her their baby.
"We have a boy" she whispered.
"Yeah we do" Julian said as a tear went down his cheek.
"Do you know what you're gonna name him?" Dylan asked.
They looked at each other and smiled.

4 hours later.....
"Do you know what you're going to name him now Lizzie?" Dylan asked again since she didn't answer the last time.
"Well you can name him Dylan"
"Ok..hello baby Nick"
"No no no that's not it"
"Ok then...Matthew"
"Ummm no way"
Just then Andy walked in.
"How about Jackson" Andy smiled.
Lizzie's eyes lit up,tears started to spring from her eyes as she looked at her baby boy.
"Oh my god that's it" she laughed.
"Yes,I love it"
"Then it's settled,his name is Jackson"
Julian sat beside Lizzie and looked at their baby ,smiling.
"Jackson Dylan Needham" Lizzie smiled as she looked at Dylan's reaction.
"Lizzie,I'm honoured"
"It's the least I could do"
She whispered as she hugged him.

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