The "L word"

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Lizzie's pov
"God please just let this day be over am I right Dyl-" I laughed then stopping myself realizing my partner wasn't around anymore.
"Yeah really Lizzie" Dylan said standing by his desk.
"Well damn you're back" I said getting up and hugging him.
"Yes I am how are you?" He asked, not having seen each other for weeks.
"I'm good," I said, with a big grin on my face.
He moves closer to me and whispered "how's it going with Julian"
I smiled and started to blush, "shut up, it's going awesome"
He laughed at me and whispered "someone's definitely in love"
"Okay we have to investigate" I Said grabbing my bag and leaving.

1 hour later....
"Andy made a double date for tonight with you and Julian" Dylan says as we walk back into the precinct.
"Sounds fun I'll call Julian later"
Fucci walked up to us a second later,
"Computers are back up"
"Really I thought Travis was on vacation, who fixed it " I asked looking at my case file, not looking up.
"He did" He said making Dylan and I look over.
My jaw dropped.
"oh hell no" i whispered, shoving my case file at Dylan.
"Oh hey Lizzie this is our new IT guy, Jules" jasmine said as Lizzie walked over to him.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you Jules" Lizzie said shaking her boyfriend's hand, squeezing pretty hard, Julian knew she was pissed.
"I have a computer in the back that needs checking so you mind helping me fix that in the lab" Lizzie said through her teeth.
"Sure" he said following her.

Once they got farther away from the team, she grabbed him and pushed them into a closet.
"What the hell are you doing here?" She asked clearly about to lose it if he doesn't give her a good answer.
"I'm here to see you because you forget your water bottle" he said holding her water bottle.
She gave him a glair, she was not having it.
"What's the real reason?"
"I can't tell you right now"
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want to put you in danger?"
"Yeah okay, I need to cool off" she said walking out.
He knew he screwed up this time.

A few hours later...
"Yeah Dylan I am home now, I'm about to start getting ready, yeah see you there, yes I'm sure I'm fine, alright bye" Lizzie said hanging up her phone throwing it on the counter.
"Hello?" She called out, getting no response.
She sighed and walked up the stairs. She opened the door to her room and there he was, looking right at her.
"Hey" she said.
"Lizzie listen, I'm sorry I know that faking to be an IT guy was a bad idea and I know I screwed up but all I'm asking is please let me make it up to you"
"Julian I don't want to talk about this right now" she said going through her closet for something to wear.
"Lizzie, we need to talk about this, cause you're obviously not happy" Julian said getting up to hold her hand.
"Can we just go to this dinner and talk about it later please" she said getting frustrated.
He grabbed her hand and made her look at him.
"I want to work this out please Elizabeth"
She knew he was serious when he called her Elizabeth, it was usually Lizzie,Liz or babe.
"Fine" she said sitting down on the bed.
"All I want to know Julian is why" she said staring at him.
He took a deep breath and started.
"I went to my office the other day, someone broke in, I destroyed all of my hard drives and i was compromised and shot at, someone must be trying to kill me and I needed to hide somewhere and what a better place then the NYPD, I could be closer to you and Dylan"

Lizzie was shocked, the person she loved was shot at and almost
killed and she didn't know until now.
Lizzie didn't let him talk anymore, she just wanted to hold him close to her. She wrapped her arms around him and held onto him for dear life.
"Lizzie I'm okay I promise"
"But I'm not, I could have lost you, and I yelled at you for no reason" she said, her voice started to break.
"Lizzie shhhh I'm okay I'm right here" he whispered kissing her hair.
"I'm so sorry Julian, I just can't lose you, I love you too much"
He let go of her.
"Lizzie what Did you just say?"
"What do you mean what did I just say?"
"You said you can't lose me and then what did you say?"
"I said I love-"
"You said it"
"I said it!"
"I love you too Lizzie"
He got up and took her hand.
"We're gonna be soo late Julian"
"Who cares we are having a moment here"
Lizzie went into a fit of laughter.
"Well I love you Julian" she said wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I love you too Lizzie" he said giving her a kiss.

1 hour later....
"There you guys are, why are you late?" Dylan said watching the two walk in.
"Sorry we got caught up for a minute" Lizzie giggled holding Julian's hand.
"Oh come on you guys, sex was more important then being on time" Dylan said shaking his head.
"No it wasn't that, we were having a moment"
"What kind of moment Julian?"
"We just said I love you" Lizzie smiled, putting her head on Julian's shoulder.

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