short and sweet

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We go back into the apartment without another word on the situation in hand "shannnneyy!!!" wooly runs straight past me and harlie and dives on shane, there's a sudden bang, "ouch!" shane mumbles, we look round to see wooly has tackled shane to the ground "Whoops" wools giggles, "hello to you to" shane manages to gasp out, we help them both up and go to the kitchen, harlie grabs out a can of beer, I give them a look "what!?" they question, "ha I don't think so it's only 2 in the afternoon it's too early" I take the can from them placing it back In the fridge door and hand them the milk instead "make yourself useful instead and make everyone coffee" I laugh.

"ANDY GET YOUR EVER LOVING BACKSIDE IN THE KITCHEN AT ONCE!" harlie shouts, we all look at eachother, it's not often harlie ever shouts, but when they do you know somethings wrong, he walks through with a nervous look, "you called?....did I do something?" he asks nervously, "I did, come here" harlie gives him a quick peck and a hug "is that all you wanted" Andy laughs "that and help me make all these coffee's" we all stand in the kitchen in laughter at their comment, Andy looks at me I just shake my head and walk into the living room to find lee.


Andy helps me make the coffees while bunny goes to find lee "so shaney what took you so long? You were only getting petrol and how come you came back with bunny and harlie?" shane shoots me a look, I subtly shake my head to tell him to bluff, "harlie and bunny were walking buy the garage at the time so I gave them a lift back, and we got stuck in traffic on the way back", I mouth a thank you to him and pass him his and wools coffee "Andy carry them 3, I'll get the rest" , he hands Luke, bunny and lee there coffees and sits down with his own, I walk in with my own, I suddenly fall over something coffee landing all over the floor and my shirt "fuck it !" I shout, Andy comes to my side helping me up "you alright love?" he asks, I feel tears brimming to my eyes, he pulls me in close, whispering in my eye quietly, before I could stop it tears just fell from my eyes , he picks me up bridal style and takes me to our room.


I help harlie make the coffees, chucking the spoon into the sink, "Andy carry them 3, I'll get the rest" I take the 3 and go into the living room to the guys I hand Luke, bunny and lee there coffees and sits down with my own, harlie walks in with their own, they suddenly fall over something that no doubt wooly left lying around, coffee lands all over the floor and there shirt "fuck it !" harlie shouts, I run their side helping them up "you alright love?" I asks, harlie's eyes have tears brimming them, pulling them in close, whispering quietly, before I could calm harls down, floods of tears just fell from their eyes , I picks harlie up bridal style, I look over at bunny who nods knowing what im doing, walking into our room sitting us down on the bed.

"Hey now whats wrong babe you don't usually cry, is this to do with sky?" I ask keeping them close, "she wasn't here by coincidence babe, she was never actually happy to see me it was all an act!" sobbing hard into my chest, I rock them back and forth slowly whispering "it's okay I got you" in their ear, after a while they eventually calm down.

harlie looks up at me "thankyou babe" I look down at harlie's lips and up to their eyes again silently asking for permission, harlie nods, I put my hand under their chin and kiss them slowly, the kiss was short yet passionate, harlie wraps their legs round my waist, deepening the kiss, we stay like this for a while, harlie moves their hand up my shirt, smirking a little, we pull away " you little rascal" I laugh "don't pretend that u don't enjoy it really babe" harlie mutters in my ear, moving to kiss my neck knowing like them it's our sensitive place. forgetting we left the door open a jar bunny walks in "woah guys no not right now" we jump apart from eachother and laugh "bunny not convenient!" I shout, harlie shoots eye dagger at bunny causing her to laugh, I take my advantage now and jump at harlie pinning them to the bed tickling their sides knowing the right place, "quick bunny help" I encourage her to help me tickle attack harlie, "I surrender, I surrender please babe get off nooooo!" I lean down and kiss them "fiiine one more tho" I lean down and kiss them again "guys im right here!" bunny complains, I keep the kiss going making bunny grumble and walk out the room, we pull away and giggle.

" I love you"

"I love you to" 

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelWhere stories live. Discover now