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"Ohhh woof woof bitch." That's the last thing I hear before I see them scrap. Punches flying blood spilling. Fury on the ground. Bloodied and broken nose. "Call me a dog again. Fuck with my friend again. They'll be more of that." fury stands up and flees.
"Fuck bun I didn't know you could fight." I say in horror.
"Neither did I" she says looking at her newly made black eye.


harlies pov:

we laugh and walk towards my car, "ill drive" I say pulling the keys from my pocket, "probably best with this eye I now have" she laughs. 

as we drive along I look towards bunny as she's looking at the newly blackened eye she now has "are you okay im really sorry" I ask, "im fine it wasn't your fault he shouldn't of been a twat" smiling lightly, I eventually get us home. pulling up in the drive way, I shut my window "how we gonna explain this one to the lads?" I ask her "just see what happens..." bunny replies "oh god what about lee!!??" I think, "oh well if he asks we say I had an accident at work, in the meantime ill ice it as much as I can and cover it with makeup inbetween" we both agree and get out the car, locking up.


"were home" I shout as we get back into the house, harlie goes into the kitchen coming back out with some ice "put this on it hopefully it will take the swelling down quicker" they say, I take the ice from them placing it on my newly made bruise.

"so how was work you----what the happened bunny!" i look over to the doorway where a very concerned and confused looking beverage stands "ummm..." i look towards harlie, "beverage keep your voice down and shut the door."

laurence's pov:

"so how was work you----what the happened bunny!" I look at the two in concern, the two share a look until bunny eventually speaks up, "I had a slip at work, I was on the top shelf moving stuff around and the ladder fell from under me, the pots landed on my eye and yeah...." I cant tell if shes lying or not but nod in agreement anyways. 

" do you suggest your gonna hide this from the rest of the guys?" I ask them both, "that is a good question" harlie answers, bunny just laughs. "hey Laurence have you seen the hell happened here!?" kier walks in at the exact moment, the two roll their eyes "how many times do you think were gonna have to repeat this story?" bunny says to harlie, "honestly your guess is as good as mine". 

we explain to kier what had happened and several questions and answers later we finally all sit down in the living room watching films. 

Andy's pov: 

I walk in to find everyone having a somewhat mothers meeting in the living room, I put my keys on the side and join my partner on the sofa " heya love" harlie smiles "evening....your late home, extra work again?" they ask me "yeah the boss gave me extra money for it so I guess its a win win both ways" we both laugh lightly, I see the state of bunnies eye, "rough day bun?" I ask "more than you know mate" she replies, I laugh lightly "I wont ask then". 

needless to say the rest of the night consisted of drinks, laughter, films and a hell of alot of questions and answers from everyone... 

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelWhere stories live. Discover now