troubles in paradise....

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previously : 

Andy walks over to Harlie putting an arm round her "we've been looking for a ne---", "a new car! a wedding present from us" I but in looking at lee "a new car, our present from us to you" lee nods "aww guys you shouldn't of really!!" she claps excitedly running off, it's a while lie but I panicked and couldn't think of anything else, as I stand there a sense of nervousness floats through my body, putting a hand on my head.

"that was a close one"....


Harlies pov) my phone goes off looking down I notice the message was from a certain Skylar, "come for a coffee I miss our catch ups!" I sigh and get ready to go leaving the guys a message on the fridge to say where ive gone, picking up my keys leaving the house.

Skylar's pov) I sit in the coffee shop waiting for Harlie to arrive ive got a trick or two up my sleeve and I can't wait to see her reaction to what I have to say to them. I see Harlie arrive smiling at her "hey harls its been a while you been holding up alright?" I ask giving an innocent smile, "not too bad been sorting out the wedding and clothing really, why?" they ask raising an eyebrow ordering their drink. "you're still going forward with the wedding?? "i ask looking dumbfounded, "of course I am I love Andy and he loves me why wouldn't I marry him?" they ask nervously paling slightly "didn't you get the video I sent you?" Harlie looks at me confused..." what the hell are you talking about you never sent me anything!" I sigh pulling the video up on my phone handing them it 

Harlies pov) I watch the video she shows me tears in my eyes threatening to spill hand going over my mouth..."no it can't be he wouldn't ....that explains why he came home drunk...but chatting up the bar lady a few weeks before the wedding he....he couldn't ....he wouldn't" I say tears now spilling out "im afraid so I sent it to your phone when I saw it because I knew like you said your due to marry in a few weeks and thought you deserved to know" Skylar says, I get up from my seat leaving money on the table "I have to go" before dashing out the café heading home.

Skylar) I knew what I had done was devious in every way, but It had to be done, I was getting even, and Anthony was making sure I was doing everything to the I care? Do I regret any of It? Nope....

Bunny's pov) back at the house Andy, lee and I are all arguing in the living room about the situation with the video not hearing Harlie even come home...."your both idiots lee, you knew he would be vulnerable in that bar knowing she would be lurking somewhere and you took him anyways!! And you!!" I smack Andy round the head the sound echoing through the room "are an even bigger moron for chatting up the bar lady your lucky I had hold of harlies phone and deleted the evidence before they knew any different!!" that's when we realised that they had heard the entire thing....well most of it....

harlies pov) "you knew the lot of went on my phone and deleted something that wasn't yours, you lied to me not once but twice about it...I expected better from you!! Your supposed to be my best friend and you went and did that!! How can I even trust you again!!" tears falling from my eyes , throat burning from shouting, "Andy I cant believe you would pull a stunt like that we are weeks away from the wedding I cant believe you!! You know what sleep on the couch tonight I don't want to hear another word from you tonight..." I turn to bunny absolutely fuming "I don't know what the hell you were playing at.... i don't know if I can trust you again for what you've done..." I say turning for my room "I was trying to protect you harls!" she shouts after me "from what I had every right to know!! Save it I don't want to hear it just leave me alone" I turn going into my room locking the door falling against it bursting into tears sliding down it pulling my knees to my chest before spending the rest of the night in the same position letting everything in my mind whirl round as the what feels like never ending tears fall from my eyes....

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelWhere stories live. Discover now