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We walk back into the living room sheepishly hoping no questions would be asked. "Everything okay u pair ? " drew asks, before I could answer bun beat me to it "yeah fine had to ensure harlie didn't fall off the counter when they were reaching for the cereal" drew just passes it off and moves on without any other questions asked.


I message Anthony in hope I can sort things out.

B: bunny / A: Anthony

B: Please don't tell me ur seeing her!?
A: who u talking about??
B: don't play dumb with me Anthony I wasn't born yesterday, im talking about that girl that harlie was with in the bar with last night!
A: ooooh her...
A: what !!?
B: you cant get with her, cut off all contact for the love of god luke cannot find out!
A: fineeeeeee
B: Anthony I mean it!
A: fine fine whatever!

I look over to harlie and give a silent little nod in hope they know what im talking about, sky looks at me with a questioning look but I pass it off in hope that she doesn't catch on what we're up to.


I get slightly suspicious at both bunny and harlies behaviour sneaking off to the kitchen for them to come back in and bunny to do something on her phone, sneakily giving a small nod towards them....they're up to something and I've got a bad feeling about it and I'm gonna find out exactly what it is....

friends for now, family forever - long lost brother sequelWhere stories live. Discover now