Harleys being set up

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Harley's POV

After a while of talking, Lee walks in. "What the fuck guys, it's like a fucking mother's meeting in here. Are you two throwing shade again?" He asks, looking directly at Bunny because we all know she's the shadiest one out of all of us.

"No babe, not this time, unless you want me to start being shady." She looks at me smiling.

"Bunny no!" We shout in unison.

"Bunny yes." She says back. lee sits down next her and wraps his arm around her.

"Please don't be shady. It's hard for me to get you to stop once you start."

"Yeah that's true. Especially when it comes to certain people." I see her retract a little.

"Harley why? Why did you do that?" Lee whines.

"because it's funny." I laugh.

"I'm going back to bed. Good night Harley." Bunny says, lee following behind her.

Lee's POV

I follow Bunny into the room and close the door behind us. "What were you two talking about?" I ask, winding my arms around her, kissing her neck lightly.

"Relationships. Harley is really lonely, they need to meet somebody." She says.

"That can be arranged." I say smiling.

"You sound like a murderer." Bunny laughs. "But you know someone that they might like?" "

Most definitely, I have a friend." I Sit on the bed.

"You're amazing." she sits next to me.

Harley walks in to see if we are okay "You guys still awake?"

"I am but I think Bunny is asleep." I reply. I pull her her back a little to see if she's asleep.

"Aww you two are so cute. I need to find someone as sweet as you." They say getting into bed.

"There's still time." I smile as I turn over and hug Bunny. I lie awake for a while, still holding on to Bunny. Insomnia seems to haunt me some days, so sleep seems out of the question, I just let recollections run through my mind.

"Babe?" I look down. "Sleeping pills?" I nod a little. She fumbles around and finds the pills for me.

"Thanks." I take the pills and lie back down. I kiss her head lightly as I await for the pills to take course.

I wake up, still holding onto to Bunny, she's awake on her phone. "Morning buns." She jumps in my arms. "oh sorry I scared you."

"It's alright babe." She carries on looking through Facebook. I intertwine our legs and put my hands by her hips. She puts her phone down, turns around and nestles into my figure. The door knocks quietly. "Come in." Bunny calls. Shane stands at the doorway.

"Morning guys am I disturbing?" He eyes us up and down. We move around and straighten ourselves up.

"No no not at all, sit down." I say. Shane sits on the armchair in the corner.

"What's up?" Bunny asks him.

"Drew's snoring is pissing me off, Harley is still asleep and I heard you two talking so I've come to talk to you lot." He explains.

"Right okay... listen Shane, I have a plan." I say excitedly, knocking Bunny over a little. "Oh shit sorry." She scowls at me.

"You have a plan?" Shane says slowly.

"YES! I have a plan in regards to finding them someone..." I say excitedly.

"Wha- how did you know about that?" Shane stutters.

"My girlfriend happens to be their best friend, so of course I know ." I poke Bunny's face, making her laugh.

Shane sits and thinks. "So you are going to try and set Harley up with someone..."

"That is where you are wrong Shane my friend." I say.

"Bunny where did I go wrong?" He asks her.

"If I knew I would tell you." She replies.

"It's not just 'someone' it happens to be one of my very close friends Andrew." I say smiling. "i sent him a text last night, he is coming down today." Bunny chokes.

"TODAY! How am I going to get Harley prepared for this." She begins to panic.

"Shh it's okay we got this sweetie. Don't panic." I put my hand on her leg. Shane disappears back into his room because he hears Drew call his name. "Come on babe we got five minutes to ourselves." I begin to kiss her until Harley walks in.

"Why do I always walk in when you're occupied." They cover their eyes dramatically. I sigh and hang my head.

"Just five minutes. That's all I ask for." I whisper, Bunny hears me and elbows me in the ribs.

"Maybe later." She whispers back. "What's up Harley?" She asks. Harley doesn't say anything.

"Harley?" I say. They look up, snapping out of a day dream. "Dress nice today, we have visitors." I say. Harley looks startled.

"Oh ermm right okay." They disappear around the corner.

"Finally, five minutes to ourselves." I give it a second to see if anyone else walks in before making a move.

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